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Yes. There are at least five genes that contribute to eye color. It is quite possible for both parents to have brown eyes (which are dominant) and yet carry other genes that can produce a green-eyed child.

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14y ago

Yes. Consider the following: Brown eyes is dominant chromosome (B). Green eyes is recessive chromosome (g). Brown eyed man has B and g chromosomes. Brown eyed woman has B and g chromosomes. Possible offspring include BB, Bg, gB, and gg. BB, Bg, and gB will have brown eyes because of the presence of the dominant chromosome. gg will have green eyes, as this child has received the recessive gene from both parents. They could also adopt a green eyed child. There are no laws against two brown eyed parents adopting a green eyed child. If there is any doubt on the identity of the child's father, you can always go on the Maury Povich show.

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Q: If a brown eyed man marries a brown eyed woman can they have a green eyed child?
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