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neither... choke affects a horse's esophagus.

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Q: Is a choke an impaction of the horse's trachea or windpipe?
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What is epiglottis and what is its purpose?

It's a "flap" that covers either the trachea or esophagus. It prevents you from choking. When you eat, it covers the trachea so food will go down the esophagus and not the windpipe (trachea). If food gets down your trachea, you will choke.

What will happen if the windpipe is block?

You will choke !

What structure prevents the passage of food into the trachea?

There are two pipes, the windpipe (trachea) and the esophagus. When you eat food, a little flap (the epiglottis) goes over the windpipe to stop you getting food into your lungs. That's why when you try to eat with your mouth full you often choke. (You're trying to breathe and eat at the same time!)

What will most likely happen when food is in the trachea?

There is a skin flap which is called the epiglottis. The epiglottis covers the trachea upon reflexes.

Why is breathing interrupted when you swallow?

Because otherwise you might inhale the food or liquid into your windpipe and choke on it.

What acts like a lid to prevent aspiration of food into the trachea?

Nothing.The oesophagus is located next to it. To enter food into your trachea, you have to choke your food.

What happends if your food goes down into your trachea?

The trachea is commonly called the windpipe. It is covered by the epiglottis so when a person swallows food it does NOT go into the trachea. If food enters the trachea it can clog it completely and cause a person to choke to death. If the food goes down the trachea, it can lodge in the main windpipe. If the food manages to go further, it could go to the right or left side when the trachea divides into the right and left bronchi. Air could be blocked past the food which would cause the person to suffocate. If food enters the trachea, it generally causes a person to cough. Hopefully, the person will cough forcefully enough to remove the food. If they do not, this is when the Heimlich maneuver needs to be performed in which a person stands behind the victim and helps them force air out of the lungs with a quick hugging type maneuver.

Are grapes ok for horses to eat?

Yes, they are fine for horses to eat, though some horses might not like them.

What stops food going into your windpipe?

Hopefully, you don't have food in your trachea, because if you did, you'd be choking. When you eat, the food should go from your mouth, through your pharynx (the back of your throat), then down into the oesophagus. The opening to the trachea (which is the passageway for air or the "wind pipe") is called the glottis, and the glottis is located just above the larynx (which contains the voice box). (The larynx is also called the Adam's apple). When you swallow, food does NOT enter through the glottis to go down your trachea because the glottis is covered by the epiglottis. So, I think the answer you are looking for is epiglottis: When you swallow, the epiglottis closes the glottis so that the food goes down the oesophagus into your stomach (not down your trachea to make you choke). When you are not swallowing, the glottis is open so that you can breath. Or, were you asking why it is difficult to cough up food when you are choking? That's partly because the air you try to inhale might push the food further down you trachea, and partly because the trachea is made of rings of cartilage that, to some extent, might keep the food from being coughed up as easily as it otherwise might.

Why you should not talk or laugh while eating?

If you talk or laugh while eating since your talking or laughing your trachea opens so that you can make sound and if you swallow something it will go down your trachea and you will choke.

Is a cilia cell an animal cell?

yes. It has teeny hairs on it that brush mucus up your windpipe and into your throat so that you don't choke and you have clean lungs.

Why doesn't trachea close?

if the trachea is not closed then you will choke continuously thus dying, as well is the inability for oxygen to enter the body and therefore gas exchange cannot take place, as well as peristalsis unable to occur.