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Bacteria have prokaryotic cells.Plants and animals are eukaryotic.

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Q: Is prokaryote or eukaryote a bacteria or plant cell or animal cell?
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If a cell of an organism contains a nucleus the organism is a eukaryote?

a. Plant b. Eukaryote C. Animal D. Prokaryote a. Plant b. Eukaryote C. Animal D. Prokaryote

Is a Protists a eukaryotic or prokaryotic?


What is the division of the nucleus in a eukaryote cell?

eukaryote cell is the relative of a prokaryote cell it is a friend of plant and animal cells humans have eukaryotic cells

Is a cell wall a eukaryote or prokaryote cell?

Cell wall is a eukaryote, more specifically a plant cell.

Is a maple tree a single-celled eukaryote?

Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are all eukaryotes. They have a nuclear membrane surrounding there genetic material. Bacteria and archaea are prokaryokes. They don't have a nuclear membrane surrounding there genetic material. A maple tree is a plant therefore it is a eukaryote.

Are prokaryote found in plant or animal cell?

No. Both plant and animal cells are eukaryote. This means they both have a membrane bound nucleus and many membrane bound organelles.

Is a bluebonnet eukaryote or prokaryote?

A bluebonnet is a plant, so it's a eukaryote.

Is a plant cell a prokaryote or eukaryote why?

Plant cells have an organized nucleus.So they are eukaryotic.

What cells create DNA?

All cells create DNA: Animal, plant, eukaryotes and prokaryote. The only difference between the eukaryote and prokaryote is that prokaryotes lack membrane bound organelles.

Why animal and plant cells cannot be classified as prokaryote?

Prokaryote means that it contains no true nucleus, which is a nucleus bound with nuclear envelope. Animal cells and plant cells do have a nucleus which is bound with nuclear envelope. For this reason, they are called eukaryote, meaning true nucleus.

What are the 2 scientific names for bacteria and animal and plant cells?

Bacteria is a Prokaryote, a simple cell with no true nucleus. Animal and Plant cells are considered Eukaryotic, cells with a true nucleus.

Bacteria an animal cell or a plant cell?

The correct answer is neither. Bacteria cells are prokaryotes (single-celled organisms), whereas both animal and plant cells are eukaryotes (multi-celled organisms).However, when it comes down to a cellular level, the cells of many bacterial organisms are similar to those of animal cells, many resemble plant cells, and some are characteristic to both.The main distinguishing feature between prokaryote bacteria cells and eukaryote animal and plant cells is the lack of a nucleus in prokaryotes.