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Mitochondria have their own DNA separate and distinct from the cells DNA. It is believed that mitochondria were once separate from cells and have since developed a symbiotic relationship with them.

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Q: Mitochondria existed on its own outside the cell?
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Why mitochondria have their own ribosomes?

They are pre existed prokaryote cells.That is the reason.

Does mitochondria have a nucleus?

No mitochondria have no nucleus at all but it contains its own DNA(which resembles to bacterial DNA or genome).

Do mitochondria make their own food?

Not really. Mitochondria use their DNA to produce many proteins and enzymes required for their function but not all. That makes the idea that they make their own food a little fuzzy. They can't live outside the cell that they are in, since they need some things from the 'host' cell.

Mitochondria has its own copy of the cell's?

Yes, absolutly because everything has its own type of cell.

What is the role of mitochondria in the syntheseis of molecules?

Mitochondria are the power house of the cells. Mitochondria produce ATP, molecules necessary for energy in every in every cell. Mitochondria are highly independent and seperate on their own on cell division.

What is the two organelles that contain their own genetic material?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts. The question asks for organelles with their OWN genetic material. The material from the nucleus already belongs to the cell. Those two evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes and maintain their own DNA.

What is different between mitochondria and the cell?

Mitochondria have their own genetics, which are separate from the genetics of the cell nucleus. Although they are definitely part of the cell, they also have some of the characteristics of a symbiotic organism.

Which organelles have less mitochondria?

Mitochondria are organelles and have no organelles of their own. They are inside a cell with other membrane bound organelles.

Does mitochondria replace itself in the cell?

They have their own DNA.So they can self replicate.

What is the ancestor of mitochondria?

One hypothesis is that mitochondria are "swallowed" bacteria that were not digested but instead incorporated into the cell as a symbiont (helper). Mitochondria have a membrane similar to the cell membrane and their own genetic material similar to bacteria.

Does Mitochondria have their very own DNA within the cell?

Yes,they have their own DNA.They can replicate independently.

Outside the nucleus what is one structure where genetic material is stored in an animal cell?

The mitochondria contain their own genetic material, in the form of circular chromosomes (like those of bacteria).