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Brachialis - attaches from the anterior proximal humerus to the coronoid process of the ulna - strong flexor of the elbow

Brachioradialis - attaches from the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus to the distal styloid of the radius - weak flexor of the elbow

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biceps brachii

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Q: Name a muscle that is a synergistic to the biceps brachii during elbow flexing?
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What is another name for prime mover?

Agonistmuscles cause a movement to occur through their own contraction. [1] For example, the triceps brachii does during the up phase of a push-up (elbow extension). During the down phase of a push-up, the same triceps brachii actively controls elbow flexion while relaxing. It is still the agonist. While resisting gravity during relaxing, the triceps brachii is still the prime mover, or controller, of the joint action. For both of those movements the elbow flexor muscles are the antagonists. Agonists are also referred to, interchangeably, as "prime movers", since they are the muscles being considered that are primarily responsible for generating a specific movement. This term typically describes skeletal muscles.[2]

What causes a pressure chage in the chest cavity during breathing?

The movement of the rib cage changes the air pressure in the chest cavity depending on the physical activity the person is performing. If they are running, the air pressure will be constantly increasing and decreasing, leading to stress on the rib cage.

What is the role of antagonist synergistic stabilizer and neutralizer muscle in human body?

Stabilizer - the muscle may contract to hold a body part immobile while another body part is moving. The sustained stabilizing contraction is frequently isometric. In most normal activities, proximal joints are stabilized by muscle contractions during movement of more distal joints - proximal stabilization. For an isolated movement at one joint to occur, the muscles that control the joints proximal to that joint must stabilize the proximal joints so that no motion occurs there. The antagonists for each motion at the proximal joint co-contract or contract against each other to prevent motion. Example: the quadriceps may stabilize the knee in an extended position of permit plantar flexion of the ankle as when the individual rises to tip-toe in erect position To perform isolated elbow flexion the proximal shoulder joint must be stabilized by flexors/extensors, abductors/adductors and internal/external rotators. Neutralizer - prevents unwanted motions a muscle can perform so a specific motion can occur. Mostly dependant on the angle of pull. Examples: the biceps can flex the elbow and supinate the forearm. If only elbow flexion is wanted, the supination component must be ruled out. Therefore, the pronator teres, which pronates the forearm, would contract to counteract the supination component of the biceps, and only elbow flexion would occur. Neutralizers act to cancel out an unwanted movement With wrist ulnar deviation the flexor carpi ulnaris will cause lexion and lunar deviation of the wrist. The extensor carpi ulnaris will cause extension and ulnar deviation. If ulnar deviation is desired, these muscles would contract doing two things: they would neutralize each other's flexion/extension component, and they would act as agonists in wrist ulnar deviation Stabilizers and Neutralizers both use co-contraction to prevent motion and have an antagonistic relationship. Stabilizersare associated with joints; Neutralizers are associated with muscle.

Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

What does the cell do during G2?

during G2 of interphase there is cell growth and preparation for cell division, the cell does its job during G2

Related questions

What are the synergistic muscles of the thigh?

Biceps and brachioradialis. The bicep is the prime mover in elbow joint movement and the brachioradialis acts as a synergistic muscle to stabilize the joint, thus aiding in the motion.

What muscle are use during flexing elbow?

Triceps and Biceps

Term for the triceps brachii during elbow flexion?

Triceps brachiiElbow flexion is due to the contraction of the biceps brachii, the prime mover. The triceps brachii extends as the biceps brachii contracts and therefore is the antagonist muscle.

What is the term for biceps brachii during elbow flexion?

prime mover (agonist)Not sure what you're asking here, but the biceps brachii is the prime mover facilitating flexion at the elbow joint.

An example of an antagonist muscle is?

Antagonist muscles are muscles that counteract the action of agonist muscles.Some examples of antagonist muscles are:Triceps work opposite of biceps.Hamstrings works opposite of quadriceps.The sternocleidomastoid works opposite of the deltoids.

Which muscle is the antagonist muscle to the biceps brachii during sholder flexion?

any muscle that assist in shoulder extention posterior fibor of deltoid Triceps long head

What muscle contraction occurs in the biceps brachii during the upward phase of the bicep curl?

a concentric contraction- a concentric contraction involves the muscle length, shortening during a contraction! YA-trick-YA!

What are the antagonist in a seated row?

The primary antagonist muscles in a seated row are the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and biceps brachii. These muscles lengthen as the back muscles contract during the rowing motion.

What is the Antagonist for a pull up?

The antagonist muscle group for a pull up is the pectoralis major, which is primarily responsible for shoulder adduction and internal rotation. In addition, the biceps brachii serves as a synergist muscle during the movement.

What muscle flexes the shoulder joint?

1) pectoralis major 2) anterior fibers of deltoid 3) biceps brachii 4) corachobrachialis 1) pectoralis major 2) anterior fibers of deltoid 3) biceps brachii 4) corachobrachialis 1) pectoralis major 2) anterior fibers of deltoid 3) biceps brachii 4) corachobrachialis

What is another name for prime mover?

Agonistmuscles cause a movement to occur through their own contraction. [1] For example, the triceps brachii does during the up phase of a push-up (elbow extension). During the down phase of a push-up, the same triceps brachii actively controls elbow flexion while relaxing. It is still the agonist. While resisting gravity during relaxing, the triceps brachii is still the prime mover, or controller, of the joint action. For both of those movements the elbow flexor muscles are the antagonists. Agonists are also referred to, interchangeably, as "prime movers", since they are the muscles being considered that are primarily responsible for generating a specific movement. This term typically describes skeletal muscles.[2]

What is the function of the biceps?

The biceps brachii is the muscle on the front of your upper arm. Its purpose is to pull bend your arm at the elbow (flexion).It is one of an antagonistic pair of muscles. The other muscle is the triceps brachii on the back of the upper arm. It straightens (extends) your arm at the elbow.The biceps are used to flex the lower arm up to the upper arm. They also allow the wrists to suppinate.It helps in flexioning the forearm against the arm