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Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are the two reactants needed in this photosynthesis reaction, oxygen and glucose are the products of it.

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Carbon dioxide and water

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carbon dioxide and water

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Q: Plants make glucose using energy from the sun and two molecules. what are those two molecules?
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The chemical process of building glycogen from glucose molecules?

well, you have those glucose molecules and then the enzyme "glycogen synthase" comes in and linkes the glucose molecules by a redox reaction in which water is formed

Do plants store carbohydrates in the form of amino acids?

No, keep your proteins and carbohydrates separate. Amino acids are the monomers of protein molecules. Proteins are not used for energy, though due to their wide variety of functions, proteins are involved in the energy utilization process. Plants form glucose, carbohydrate monomers or monosaccharides through photosynthesis. They then bind together those glucose monomers into a polymer as starch or cellulose.

Why do plant cells need energy from the sun?

Plants need energy from the sun for food, they do this through photosynthesis which is the cells of the leaves (palisade cells, and inside those, chloroplasts), gathering the suns energy and changing it into glucose. the plant can then use this glucose for food. :)

Why must animals eat food but plants do not have to?

To tell you the truth plants DO eat, you just never see them do it. Here's how it works. The plants take carbon dioxide and and energy and the plant mixes it up and it turns into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is the plants food. So there you have it. plants do kind of eat it they using the energy from sunlight called Photosynthesis i think

What does an organism do with these co2 h20 and energy?

Only one type of organism can handle carbon bi oxide, water and energy. Those are included in the plant kingdom. They have got chlorophyll. With the help of chlorophyll, plants produce glucose molecules. (Energy is trapped in this glucose molecules. Carbon bi oxide is supposed to be toxic waste product of animal metabolism. Water is available in abundance on the surface of the earth. You get plenty of the energy from the sun for free. Plant give you food for free without any expectations. So you take them for granted. You have threatened the very right of plants to exist. It is going to bounce back. You will lose your right to exist as a result.)

How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to form a maltose molecule?

It takes 2 monosaccharide molecules to form a maltose molecule. Those are 2 glucose molecules. So 2 glucose molecules join together to make 1 maltose molecule.

Why is the process of photosynthesis essential infood chain?

Life is powered by sunlight. The energy used by most living cells comes ultimately from the sun. Plants, algae, and some bacteria use energy from sunlight, particularly blue and red wavelengths, to build molecules which later can be split through cellular respiration to retrieve some of that energy. Storing energy in molecules and then oxidizing those molecules to retrieve the stored energy maintains all life on Earth. Plants are often called ‘producers’ because they produce energy-storing molecules used by almost all other organisms on Earth. By eating plants, herbivores ‘steal’ these energy-storing molecules to maintain their own life processes. By eating animals, carnivores ‘plunder’ the molecules that store the energy oringinally captured by plants. By feeding on dead tissue, decomposers exploit whatever molecules remain in the dead the plants, herbivores, and carnivores. Ultimately, the process of photosynthesis is the most important chemical reaction on Earth.

In the transfer of energy from the Sun to ecosystems which molecule is one of the first to store this energy?

Most living things use sugars as a source of energy. Energy can be stored as fats or sugars, and it can be transported as those molecules as well.

What happens to molecules of water during the process of phjotosentisis?

During photosynthesis, water molecules (along with carbon dioxide molecules) are rearranged into glucose and oxygen. This requires energy as well, which comes from the sun. This is why plants need sunlight, water, and air to grow. Take away just one of those three and the plant will die (this is a classic elementary school experiment.) Here is the chemical formula for photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Plants can convert glucose into two other usable forms. What are those two forms and what are they used for?

Glucose or simple,soluble sugar undergoes polymerization. Several glucose molecules are converted to complex starch, double sugar,i.e. sucrose,oils and plant proteins which are either used by plant cells or stored for future utilization.

How does heat from a radiator transfer?

The heat energy from the radiator transfers that energy to the air molecules next to it. Those molecules then transfer that heat energy to the molecules next to them. This process continues until all the molecules are at the same energy level. This process is call conduction.

What happens to carbon dioxide during light independent reactions?

Type your answer it the 4 carbon molecules and C4 plants