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Q: Plants that have no green coloring and obtain their food from other plants and from animals?
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How do plants and animals obtain their food?

Plant obtain their food from the sun. The process is called photosynthesis. Animals obtain their food from animals or plants.

How do people obtain energy from earth's resources?

simples. sun get enery from plants, animals get energy from plants. we eat plants and animals so we obtain energy

Where do animals get their phosphorus?

Animals are able to obtain phosphorus from plants that they may eat. It is also possible that animals that don't ingest plants can obtain phosphorus from the smaller animals that they may eat that do eat plants.

Animals obtain their energy and carbon from?

Animals obtain their energy from the consumption of plants or other animals.

How do animals obtain energy from plants?

by eating them

How do animals obtain their nitrogenrequirements?

By eating plants and other animals.

What Ways plants fungi and animals obtain nutrients?

Everything needs some sort of nutrients to live. Fungi get their nutrients from photosynthesis, plants do the same and obtain it from the roots, animals obtain their nutrients from eating plants, and other animals.

How do plants and animals cell obtain energy?

obtain energy from nucleas

How do plants and animals obtain carbohydrates?

All animals obtain carbohydrates the same way we do, by eating plants: grain, roots and tubers, leaves, fruits, nuts.Except they don't turn them into bread and pie and french fries.

How do people obtain phosphorus?

they eat plants and animals

What do carnivorous plants obtain from animals bodies?


What do Nearly all living things obtain energy either directly or?

Photosynthesis gives plants energy, and when animals eat the plants, they gain energy from the plants. And, of course, when animals eat other animals, they indirectly obtain energy from the plants, which get their energy from the sun. So, the answer would be the sun.