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Q: Right kidney smaller than left kidney normal right measures 10.9x5x4 left measures 11.5x4x4 is this normal?
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What is a gfr than 60 mean?

GFR is glomerular filtration measures if an individual has kidney disease. 60 is a good number meaning that one does not have chronic kidney disease.

What organs are on your left side by the rib cage?

The smaller lobe of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, left adrenal gland, left kidney, left ureter, left Fallopian tube (female) left ovary (female), left testis (male), the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectosigmoid colon, and the rectum are on the left side. The smaller lobe of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, left adrenal gland, left kidney are more under the ribs.

What processes take place during the period after the blood enters the kidneys till the urine leaves the body?

Blood flows to the kidney through the renal artery. Once in the kidney the blood flows through a series of smaller and smaller arteries until it gets to the glomerulus. The glomerulus filters blood and to be very simplistic creates a filtrate of the blood or "urine". This urine then flows through a series of progressively bigger tubules and ducts until it gets to the renal pelvis. At this point urine exits the kidney, it enters the ureter (long tube connecting kidney and bladder), and flows into the bladder where it is held until one desires to urinate. At this time urine flows out of the bladder and into the urethra. The urethra connects the bladder to the outside of the body.

If you have a kidney stone in one kidney will you get one in the other kidney?

A patient who has had a single kidney stone has about a 50% chance of developing another stone. Whether you will develop a second kidney stone in the opposite kidney, depends in part on the reason for the formation of the stones.

How is kidney weight described?

how is kidney weight described

Related questions

What measures th kidney's ability to concentrate of dilute urine in relation to plasma?

It is urine's specific gravity that measures the kidney's ability to concentrate or dilute urine in relation to plasma.

Why does a kidney get bigger?

this could be caused by urine backing up to a kidney because of blockage .if there is no hydronephroses then the right kidney could be compensating for a smaller left kidney

What size is a kidney stone?

it depends. but smaller then a pea.

How is a sheep's kidney different from a human's?

smaller and weigh less

The test that measures the ability of the kidney to remove creatinine from the blood is called?

S.Creatinine level

Does everyone have the same size kidney?

No because the more they age the bigger or smaller they get.

What is a gfr than 60 mean?

GFR is glomerular filtration measures if an individual has kidney disease. 60 is a good number meaning that one does not have chronic kidney disease.

Where can we find information on stages of kidney cancer?

At early stage of kidney cancer, the tumor measures up to 7 centimeter and the cancer cells are only in the kidney. At later stage cancer cells may extend beyond kidney. To find more information you can visit

Why must a 24 hour period sample of urine for examination if a detailed composition is to be determined?

It measures your kidney function output.

Are kidneys symmetrical?

They are symmetrical in terms of the shape however the right kidney is a little smaller as it shares space with the liver, which also pushes it lower down than the left kidney

How is a kidney and coffee filter are alike?

They bother have holes that thing like the coffee for the coffee filter and wastes for the

Which kidney is higher?

The right kidney sits under the liver, the largest internal organ. So it's lower down (2-8cm lower) than the left kidney which is under the spleen, a much smaller organ. The tops of the spleen and liver are pretty much in line due to the diaphragm, which is why where their lower borders are makes such a difference.