

Should you get your adnoids out?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The adnoids collect bacteria, just like tonsils so it makes no difference if there in or out unless there is something wrong with your adnoids, which you would notice easily at in early age such as 2 to 3 years old. so if you were realizing it as an older age like 10 yrs old, they should not be romoved.

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Q: Should you get your adnoids out?
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This is said to work for some people. I would be skeptical and not have a surgery that was not thought out thoroughly.

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Are you in a lot of pain after you have just had your tonsils taken out?

You may be in a lot of pain for a few days, but it should not persist. I had my tonsils taken out, and it hut for a while. At times you may not be able to talk because your throat hurts so much. In about a week, basically all your pain should go away. Of course, I also had my adnoids taken out, so it might be a little different. Hope this helped!

What food and drinks to aviod a tosilitis?

I don't think there's any foods or drinks you can eat or drink to prevent tonsilitis. I had an ongoing struggle with this virus. If you get this constantly, I suggest seeing your doctor about getting your adnoids or tonsils out. You should wash your hands frequently and also try not to inhale people's coughing. Don't hang around sick people alot. Also you should swallow some honey often.

Is it possible to snore without adnoids?

Maybe, but maybe not. My adenoids were removed, but I still snore.

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a common risk factor for both diabetes and sleep apnea is being overweight. That is for type 2 diabetes and osa that is not caused by tonsils, uvula, deviated septum, or adnoids.

Is there any organ in the lymphatic system that can be removed without harm to the person?

there aren't any organs per-say. you can remove nodes ( the tonsils & adnoids are often removed in childhood) but if you pull too many you end up retaining fluid distal to the proceedure.

Is asthma considered a preexisting condition?

It depends on what is causing the sleep apnea. It is preexisting if it is caused by tonsils, adnoids, or an elongated uvula. It is not preexisting if it is caused by being overweight, or possibly by a deviated septum.

What does aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mean?

The extended 'a' as in 'aw' is a sound we are often asked to perform when a doctor wants to check the throat. For many people, the back of the tongue is thick and obscures any view of the tonsils/adnoids. When a doctor has us stick out our tongues and say 'aw', it moves the back of the tongue forward and flattens it somewhat, so there is a better view of the throat. Otherwise, the long sound of 'aw' has no specific meaning.