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Is hypotonic to the protozoan

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is hypotonic, meaning that there is more water outside the cell than inside. The contractile vacuole helps the protozoan maintain osmotic balance by expelling the excess water that enters the cell through osmosis.

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Q: Some protozoans have special organelles called contractile vacuoles that continually eliminate excess water from the cell The presence of these organelles tells you that the environment?
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What structure in protozoans respond to osmosis?

Contractile vacuoles are the structures in protozoans that respond to osmosis by regulating water balance within the cell. They fill with excess water to prevent the cell from bursting due to osmotic pressure, and then release the water outside the cell.

The fingerlike projections of cytoplasm used by some protozoans for movement and obtaining food are?

The fingerlike projections of cytoplasm used by some protozoans for movement and obtaining food are called pseudopodia. These structures help protozoans to extend their reach and capture food particles in their environment through a process known as phagocytosis.

Are all protozoans prokaryotic and autorophic?

No, not all protozoans are prokaryotic and autotrophic. Protozoans are eukaryotic organisms that can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic protozoans can photosynthesize like plants, while heterotrophic protozoans rely on organic matter for nutrition.

The simplest organisms are?

Single-celled organisms like bacteria and archaea are considered some of the simplest organisms due to their basic structure and lack of specialized organelles. They are typically unicellular and do not contain a nucleus.

Where do sporozoans live?

Sporozoans are a group of parasitic protozoans that typically live inside the cells of their host organisms. They are commonly found in the digestive tracts of animals or in the tissues of hosts such as humans. Sporozoans include various species such as Plasmodium, which causes malaria, and Cryptosporidium, which causes cryptosporidiosis.

Related questions

How are protozoans differentiated by means of their locomotory organelles?

The pseudopodia enable amoeboid locomotion, the cilia allow for ciliary locomotion. The flagella allow for flagellar locomotion and the myonemes allow for metabolic contractile locomotion.

How do protozoans pump out water?

I'm not sure about other Protozoans but Paramecium, a freshwater ciliate, pumps out excess water with it's Contractile Vacuoles.

How osmoregulation is carried out in a named protozoan?

Osmoregulation in protozoans like Paramecium is carried out through contractile vacuoles. These organelles collect excess water and expel it from the cell to maintain osmotic balance. The contractile vacuoles help prevent the cell from bursting due to excessive water intake.

Why are protozoans eukaryotic?

They have an organized nucleus.So they are eukaryotic

What structure in protozoans respond to osmosis?

Contractile vacuoles are the structures in protozoans that respond to osmosis by regulating water balance within the cell. They fill with excess water to prevent the cell from bursting due to osmotic pressure, and then release the water outside the cell.

How protozoa maintain their osmotic balance?

Protozoans such as an amoeba lack a supporting cell wall and instead have a contractile vacuole that pumps out excess water that enters the cell by osmosis. This vacuole is not needed in organisms with more than one cell.

Amoeboid movement is a method of locomotion used by which protozoans?

I - Amoeboid Locomotion - by means of pseudopodia II - Ciliary Locomotion - by means of cilia III - Flagellar Locomotion - by means of flagella IV - Metabolic or Contractile Locomotion- by means of myonemes

The fingerlike projections of cytoplasm used by some protozoans for movement and obtaining food are?

The fingerlike projections of cytoplasm used by some protozoans for movement and obtaining food are called pseudopodia. These structures help protozoans to extend their reach and capture food particles in their environment through a process known as phagocytosis.

What eats Amoebas?

Amoeba are protozoans. They eat algae and other protozoans. Protozoans are eaten by zooplankton in the marine environment.

Are the dileptus species eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

Dileptus species are eukaryotes. They belong to the phylum Ciliophora, which includes diverse ciliated protozoans that are all eukaryotic organisms with membrane-bound organelles.

What are the protozoans that you have observed from the hay infusion?

I have observed Paramecium, Amoeba, Euglena, and Stentor protozoans in the hay infusion. These organisms are commonly found in freshwater habitats and are able to thrive in the nutrient-rich environment provided by the hay infusion.

Are all protozoans prokaryotic and autorophic?

No, not all protozoans are prokaryotic and autotrophic. Protozoans are eukaryotic organisms that can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic protozoans can photosynthesize like plants, while heterotrophic protozoans rely on organic matter for nutrition.