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As the early earth had no ozone layer, or a very weak one, UV rays could have reached the surface of the earth and provided energy and heat. Other than UV rays, the hydro-thermal vents of the very volcanically active early earth period are an option as well.

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Q: Some scientists speculate that lightning was not present on early Earth How could you modify the Miller Urey experiment to reflect this new idea What energy source would you use to replace lightning?
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Why were the experiments to replicate the formation of molecules conducted under conditions thought to be present on the early Earth?

It sounds like you are talking about some experiments done many years ago attempting to replicate the conditions thought to be present at the time that life appeared on earth. Special flasks were filled with certain gases and liquids and then exposed to electricity (standing in for lightning). The experiment did not form living cells, but as I recall there were some interesting structures found in the resulting mixture.

What was Mendel's results to his first experiment?

He found out that some traits in one generation (parents) was not present in the next generation (offspring).

In Mendel's experiment why did traits show up in the f1 generation that were not present in the f1 generation?

the traits were recessive

What enzyme is present in cancer cells which scientists believe allows the cancer cells to keep growing indefinitely?

It is telomerase

Did Stanley Miller demonstrate how early life began on earth?

The famous Stanley Miller experiment used a flask, an electrical discharge to simulate lightning, and molecules of everyday substances like water, ammonia, and methane. In other words molecules that are present in nature and their components are present in DNA. The theory was that the early earth was a volatile place with large amounts of the basic molecules and at one phase in the earths evolution constant storms and lightning. The experiment successfully produced some amino acids. Given the vast amount of time there was an opportunity for billions of trillions of different combinations of these molecules and that a chance "stringing together" of these amino acids capable of replication could occur. The first self replicating proto life may have been proteins, viruses, prions, enzymes or all the above. The smallest structures in the DNAverse.

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Who was a famous American inventor that did a kite experiment and proved that electricity was present in lightning?

That would be Benjamin Franklin. Do not try that at home.

After an experiment what do the scientists do with the data?

After the experiment, scientists organize and analyze the data. Which therefore means that the scientists will create something to tell what is going on with there experiment and how long it goes for and if anything improved or something changed.

Assume that bacteria appeared on the meat in all three jars How would most scientists today explain this observation?

a.) Bacteria was present on the meat at the start of the experiment.

What is the role of IKI in the experiment?

to present the starch.

It is important to control variables in an experiment because?

in an experiment cantrolling variable is important as it helps to identify the limiting factors are present in the experiment, and also factor that do not necessarily affect the experiment.

What theory is there to show how life was formed which involves the interaction between hydrocarbons ammonia and lightning?

The Stanley-Muller experiment didn't prove that life formed from those elements, just some common and simpler amino acids, some of which are present in DNA.

An experiment setup in which the independent variable is not present is called the?

When conducting experiments in science, it is important to have a baseline for knowing what happens if an independent variable is not present. In science, this is called the control experiment.

Did the big bang start from anti-matter?

No. As a matter the fact, the ABSENCE of anti-matter in our Universe is a problem scientists are still trying to explain. We know that anti-matter is almost non-existent here, but our present theories can give no reason why that should have happened -- any more than our present scientific theories can explain where lightning comes from. In both cases, scientists are working on developing better theoretical understanding.

What are the characteristicsof a good experiment?

There are many characteristics present during a good experiment. For example, if the experiment provides unbiased estimates for uncertainties and factor effects then the experiment should be considered good.

What are the Different ways to present experimental data?

different kind experiment data present bar graph

What is dry lightnig?

Lightning usually occurs when is rains, sleets, hails etc, most comonly when there is a thunder storm. Dry lightning simply means that there is not rain present when the lightning occurs. Hope that helps

Why is iodine necassary in an experiment?

It turns blue-black if starch is present.