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Each one both minimises photorespiration and optimises the Calvin cycle.

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Q: The alternative pathways of photosynthesis using the C4 or CAM systems are said to be compromises Why?
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What are the 4 classification systems for plants?

Photosynthesis microgeneration sunlight transfer and cell exchange

Which could be used to monitor the rate of photosynthesis in a plant?

There are instruments that measure the input of CO2 and output of H2O, called Photosynthesis Measurement Systems. Look up the scientific papers that are referenced on the Wikipedia page to see which Photosynthesis Systems have been used to study the rate of photosynthesis; They use an infrared gas analyser, and are precise and accurate. Some Photosythesis Measurement Systems (e.g. the LCpro+) can precisely control the environment of the leaf being measured, to allow you to conduct detailed experiments on the effects of different conditions on the rate of photosynthesis. Some Photosynthesis Measurement Systems are light weight (except some models are too heavy for field work. The LI-6400 weighs 13.5kg)

Electron transfer systems concentrate energy that is then used to generate ATP in?

aerobic respiration,photosynthesis and mitochondria

How do plants obtain the water they need for photosynthesis?

Plants get the water they require for photosynthesis by absorbing from the soil through their root systems. It is then transported up the stem and to the leaves where is is used to synthesise sugars through photosynthesis.

Where do the reactions of photosynthesis happen?

They occur first within the cytochrome biochemical photosynthetic Enzymes that reside within the Thylacoid membrane systems that reside within the Grana and Stroma of the Chloroplasts that reside within photosynthetic Organisms.

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What catches sunlight during photosynthesis?

Photo systems embedded on the thylakoid membranes catches light. photo systems are of two type PSII and PSI. photo systems consists of chlorophyll and accessory pigments. these catch the sunlight for the process of photosynthesis.

What is an alternative to R12 freon?

Most systems can be retrofitted to R134a

What alternative treatments are there for dysentery?

such alternative systems as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine developed treatments for it.

In photosynthesis what is another name for a light harvesting complex?

The cytochrome systems.

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Power, structural, and technical systems (Apex)

How do you take CO2 out of the atmosphere?

There are several carbon dioxide removal systems at work on the Earth - photosynthesis, dissolving into the basic (high pH) ocean waters, formation into coral and sea animal shells, chemical deposition as a carbonate.

What was significant about the Phoenician alphabet?

It provided a beneficial economical and accurate alternative to the existing systems of pictograms and syllabic writing systems.

What are the examples of information system that cannot solve business problems?

One business problem that information systems cannot solve is making a judgment call. Information systems cannot make decisions and they cannot make compromises.

What are the 4 classification systems for plants?

Photosynthesis microgeneration sunlight transfer and cell exchange