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glucose and fructose

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Q: The hydrolysis of sucrose resulted in the presence of what two sugars?
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Are the products of sucrose hydrolysis reducing sugars?

No, sucrose is not a reducing agent. The disaccharide sucrose can be 'inverted' breaking the molecule into the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, both of which are reducing sugars. This is commonly done by enzymatic action.

What is produced from the hydrolysis of a disaccaride?

A disaccharide is two monosaccharides bound together by an ether linkage. Therefore, the product of hydrolysis of a disaccharide is two monosaccharides, or simple sugars as they are usually called. One reason reactions such as this are called "hydrolysis" reactions is because the reaction requires one molecule of water. Sucrose, or table sugar or cane sugar, is a disaccharide. The reaction of the hydrolysis of sucrose is: Sucrose + H2O -----> Glucose + Fructose (The reaction is catalyzed by acid in a lab and by the enzyme Sucrase in the human body. The hydrolysis is imperceptibly slow without acid. That is why sucrose doesn't hydrolyze when it's dissolved in plain water.)

Which describes the chemical reaction taking place Sucrose plus water plus glucose plus fructose?

Dehydration of simple sugars (apex)

Why doesn't polysaccharides change in the presence of Benedict's solution?

Benedict's test is a test used to determine the presence of reducing sugars. Sucrose is not a reducing sugar that's why its color doesn't change. . .

What is saccharification?

Saccharification is the hydrolysis of solube polysaccharides to form simple sugars.

What is the difference between sucrose and water in plants?

sucrose contains sugars

What sugars are in bananas?

sucrose, fructose and glucose.

What is the name of the sweetener consisting of a mixture of glucose and fructose formed by chemical hydrolysis of sucrose?

It is called "invert sugar". The answer for the quiz question is in the "Gloassary of added sugars" in chapter 4 of the 13th edition of Understanding Nutrition by Whitney.

Does caramel have sugar?

A one word answer would be "YES". Depending on the kind of sugars meant, each kind of sugar has its own chemical formula. Table sugar is sucrose. It is made from two simpler sugars called glucose and fructose. Glucose is also sometimes called dextrose. Glucose is a little less sweet than sucrose, and fructose is a sweeter than sucrose. When sucrose is heated in the presence of an acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice), it breaks down into glucose and fructose, and the resulting syrup is sweeter than sucrose. The syrup is called "invert sugar". Simple sugars can join to form long chains. Glucose units can chain up to form amylose,the starch in corn. There are many different types of simple sugars, and they can combine into many more types of complex sugars. The backbone of DNA is a chain made of sugars.

What is a soluble carbohydrate?

Simple sugars such as sucrose and glucose

What is another word for sugars?

i guess it is disaccharide

What are the sugars produced when sucrose is hydrolysed?

Glucose and Fructose