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The process of mRNA connecting to a ribosomes and reading the code to produce a protein is translation.

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Q: The process of mRNA connecting to a ribosome and reading the code to produce a protein is?
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The ribosome is a organelle that functions in the process of?

A ribosome is the organelle that functions in protein synthesis.

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To process material into protein

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Protein The cell produces proteins by a process called translation. mRNA is translated at the ribosome into proteins.

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When a ribsome reaches a stop codon, the translation process stops and a protein is released.

What tells a ribosome how to a protein?

DNA tells a ribosome how to assemble a protein.

What specific organelle is unable to produce clotting factors when someone has Hemophillia?

the organelle that produces all the proteins in the body is the ribosome, but hemophillia is a genetic condition, so the ribosome is not affected at all but the genetic information that the ribosome needs to produce that specific protein.