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Oxygen and/or water.

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Q: The reactions involving most chemical compounds in living systems depend upon the presence of?
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All cells of an organism are engaged in many different chemical reactions This fact is best supported by the presence in each cell of thousands of different kinds of?


What Homologous series?

A homologous series is a family of organic compounds that: *have the same general formula. *have similar chemical properties and *show a gradual increase in physical properties such as melting and boiling point.

What happens during each of the two stages of photosynthesis?

These stages are called the light reactions and the dark reactions. The light reactions take place in the presence of of light. The dark reactions do not require direct light, however dark reactions in most plants occur during the day.

What is the importance of light in photosynthesis?

The equation of photosynthesis is as below:Carbon dioxide + Water ---------> Glucose + OxygenThis reaction takes place in the presence of light and chlorophyll.The process of photosynthesis is completed in two stages:-Light Reactions: When light falls on leaves, it is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. The solar energy is utilized to split water into oxygen and hydrogen, this process is called photolysis, and oxygen is released during this process. As these reactions take place only in the presence light, they are called light reactions.During light reactions two compounds are formed when solar energy is converted into chemical energy, these are:NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Di-nucleotide Phosphate)ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate)NADP already exists in the cells of the leaf. The hydrogen released on the photolysis of water molecule is accepted by this compound and it becomes reduced to form NADPH.NADP (in cell) + H (from water) ---------> NADPHThis reaction takes place in the presence of light and enzymes.The compound ADP (Adenosine Di-Phosphate) is already present in the cells of the leaf and combines with the phosphate group using light energy to form a compound called ATP.ADP + P ---------> ATPThis reaction also takes place in the presence of light and enzymes.These compounds are energy rich and are needed for the dark reactions in photosynthesis.Dark Reactions: Utilizing the energy from ATP and the hydrogen from NADPH, water combines with carbon dioxide to form carbohydrates. Thus, the solar energy is now converted into chemical energy to form glucose. Other organic compounds are further synthesized from this glucose.This stage is also completed in a series of chemical reactions with the help of enzymes . Scientists have discovered an interesting thing about these two stages: only the first requires light, and the second can occur in the dark. So we call these reactions light and dark reactions respectively. Neither light energy nor chlorophyll are required for the dark reactions.Various steps of the dark reactions were studied by a scientist named Melvin Calvin, thus dark reactions are also known as Calvin's Cycle. When scientists performed experiments with chlorella plant, they found the rate of photosynthesis increased in non-continuous supply of light and again if the temperature is raised during dark reactions, the rate increases invariably. This also proved that light reactions are photochemical reactions which involve light, and dark reactions are chemical reaction which do not involve light.

Why would a lack of carbon dioxide stop the process of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis will not be possible without the presence of CO2.

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What is related to photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis: The biological synthesis of chemical compounds in the presence of light.

What kind of reactions are studied in electrochemistry?

The electrochemistry object of study are the chemical reactions in an electrolyte in the presence of an electric current.

What principle can be applied to all chemical reactions?

material reacts in the presence of another material

What is a biosensor?

A biosensor is a device which detects, records, or transmits physiological data concerning the presence of chemical compounds.

Why noble gases participate in chemical reactions?

No, because they have a full valence shell. Chemical reactions proceed because atoms wish to share or exchange electrons. If an atom's valence shell is full, they tend not to do this under normal circumstances.

What is the role of vitamins in animals?

Vitamins are catalists. their presence is necesary for certain chemical reactions in the body to take place,

What are different factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions?

Some different factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions include whether or not a catalyst is present, the concentration of the reactants, temperature of the reactants, & pressure in the case of gas phase reactions.

What characteristics indicates a high chemical reactivity for one or more of the reagents?

Some characteristics that indicate high chemical reactivity for one or more reagents include a high tendency to undergo chemical reactions, instability, high electronegativity, and high reactivity in the presence of other substances or conditions such as heat, light, or catalysts. Additionally, a high reactivity may be indicated by the presence of reactive functional groups such as alkyl halides, carbonyl compounds, or highly polarizable atoms.

Explain how a chemical change involving the chemical reaction of vitamin c with an iodine solution can produce a test for the presence of vitamin c?

I need to know the same answer myself? Anyone got any ideas??

Which sentence best describes how water helps living things generate energy?

Chemical reactions within cells take place in the presence of water.

What are four ways that chemists control the rates of chemical reactions?

Increase in Surface area,Increase in temperature,Increase in concentration,and the presence of catalysts or inhibitors.

What are four ways that chemists can control chemical reactions?

increase in surface area, increase in temperature, increase the concentration of the reactants, and the presence of catalysts or inhibitors.