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Cell body.

Impulses a received in the dendrite, go through the cell body and out to the axon, where they are transmitted to the next dendrite. Easy way to remember it, it's the alphabet backwards - Dendrite, Cell Body, Axon

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Q: The structure that recevies an impulse from the dendrite is the?
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Where does a nerve impulse start?

A nerve impulse starts at the dendrite

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On which direction does an impulse go across a synapse?

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______ have receptors for the neurotransmitter by which impulse transmits and forward in the next nerve?

Synaptic of dendrite

What receives neuron messages and sends them to the cell body?

The dendrite receives a stimulus and conducts the nerve impulse toward the cell body.

Which is the correct sequence in the transmission of a neural impulse?

dendrite, cell body, axon, synapse

A nerve impulse travels from one cell to another by passing from?

one axon to a dendrite...

Part of the nerve cell that first receives the nervous impulse is the?

The dendrite of a neuron usually receives a chemical signal from another neuron, although a cell body (soma), or sometimes even an axon, of another neuron can receive the signal.Synapses which occur between an axon and a dendrite are called axodendritic synapses, while synapses between an axon and a cell body are called axosomatic synapses, and synapses between an axon and an axon are called axoaxonic synapses.

By which event is an ion transmembrane gradient dissipated?

The 'firing off' of a nerve cell impulse from the dendrite to the axon.

What is the period of time after a nerve impulse has been transmitted when it is not possible for another impulse to act upon the dendrite and the axon?

The Resting Period; over with in less than milliseconds.

A synapse consist of?

A synapse is the connection between two neurons. It consists of the synaptic cleft (the physical gap between one neuron's axon and the other's dendrite). Neurotransmitters cross the gap from the axon to the dendrite and affect whether the next neuron fires.

What part of the neuron conducts the nerve impulse?

Dendrite toward the cell body, axon away from the cell body.