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Calcaneal (Achilles) Tendon

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Q: The triceps surae insert in common into the tendon?
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The triceps surae insert in common into the?

Achilles tendon

What tendon do the triceps surae insert into?

Achilles tendon

Into which tendon the triceps surae insert?


What tendon inserts most commonly into the triceps surae?

The tendon of triceps brachii insert on top of olecranon process of ulna. While that of triceps surae forms the archille's tendon and insert in calcaneus

What tendon does the triceps surae insert to?

Tendocalcaneus, archille's

Where is the triceps surae located?

Triceps surae is on the posterior surface of the leg

What muscles make up the triceps surae?

gastrocnemius and soleus muscles muscles are collectively referred to as triceps surae

What is the muscle that controls the lowering of the foot after heelstrike?

triceps surae

What are the prime movers for plantar flexion?

I was asking the same question. I think it probably is the Gastrocnemius muscle but I'm having trouble confirming that. It could also potentially be the Soleus muscle.Alternatively you could say that it is the Triceps Suraemuscle which refers to both the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus as a single muscle. This is a legitamite anatomical description seeing as the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus both attach via the Calcaneus tendon. The Triceps Surae is what is commonly refered to as the "calf muscle".

What is the technical name for able and the calf muscle?

musculus triceps surae

What is the muscle group that produces plantarflexion at the end of the stance phase?

Triceps Surae

What are 3 muscles in your leg?

-Triceps surae -Peroneus longus -Tibialis anterior