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Q: The two neurotransmitters that affect smooth muscle cells are acetylcholine and?
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What can acetylcholine and norepinephrine affect?

Smooth Muscle Cells

Which muscle contraction does acetylcholine and norepinephrine affect?

Acetylcholine and norepinephrine both affect smooth muscle contraction. They stimulate contraction in some muscles and inhibits contraction in others.

What are the two neurotransmitters that affect smooth muscle cells?

The main neurotransmitters involved with smooth muscle is Acetylcholine which causes an exited effect in smooth tissue and Adrenalin which causes an inhibitory effect. Adrenalin is produced by the adrenal gland when animals are in high stress or phsically elated situations. This causes the "flight or fight" mode in animals and increases function of regions of body necessary for survial such as skeletal muscle. Thus smooth muscle in the gut for example isn't vital in dangers situations therefore contraction of this muscle is decreased by the neurotransmitter.

All of these neurons release acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter except?

specific cardiac and smooth muscle fibers

What Neurotransmitter diffuses across a synapse to a muscle cell?

It varies: In the somatic system (skeletal muscle) and parasympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system (smooth & cardiac muscle) it is usually acetylcholine. In the sympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system (smooth & cardiac muscle) it is usually norepinephrine (also called noradrenaline). There are exceptions, but this is the general rule.

What is the muscle that is found in the small intestine?

smooth musclesmooth muscle

Why does Acetylcholine decrease the frequency in cycles of the smooth muscles?


What is the neurotransmitter that initiates muscle contraction?

Voluntary muscle contraction is controlled by the central nervous system. The brain sends signals, in the form of action potentials, through the nervous system to the motor neuron that innervates several muscle fibers.Acetylcholine (ACh) is commonly secreted at neuromuscular junctions, the gaps between motor neurons and muscle cells, where it stimulates muscles to contract (by opening gated positive ion channels).

Is an ulcer a cardiac muscle or a smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle

What does acetycholine do to muscles?

Acetylcholine acts to excite skeletal muscles, allowing for the muscle to contract. It also serves to allow contractions in the smooth muscles, while slowing down the cardiac muscles

Which muscle tissue is involuntary and not striated?

SmoothI'm POSITIVE it's the Skeletal Muscle!

Is voluntary muscle smooth muscle?

yes it is.....