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They can acquire genes through one of ways: mutations, transduction, transformation or conjugation.Mutations to DNA can occur at any time and might change the structure of the proteins produced but these are rare events. Transduction is the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another through the action of viruses. Certain species of bacteria can ingest DNA segments, known as plasmids, from their surroundings and incorporate the plasmids into their own chromosomes in a process called transformation. Conjugation is the bacterial equivalent of sex. It involves physical contact between two cells, possibly via a bridging structure called a pilus.

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1mo ago

Bacteria can gain antibiotic resistance genes through mutations in their own DNA, horizontal gene transfer from other bacteria through processes like conjugation, transformation, or transduction, and acquisition of resistance genes from plasmids or other mobile genetic elements.

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11y ago

im sorry i only know 3 but hears one abuse with antibiotics meaning to much or not finishing your course also have some that aren't prescribed to you

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Q: Three ways bacteria gain antibiotic resistance genes?
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Why do plasmids contain a gene for antibiotic resistance?

Plasmids contain antibiotic resistance genes because these genes provide a survival advantage to the bacteria in the presence of antibiotics. Bacteria can pick up plasmids with antibiotic resistance genes through horizontal gene transfer, allowing them to survive in environments with antibiotic exposure. This is a common mechanism for bacteria to acquire resistance traits and poses a challenge for antibiotic treatment.

Plasmids are naturally found in some?

bacteria. They are small circular DNA molecules that can replicate independently from the bacterial chromosome. Plasmids often carry genes that provide bacteria with various advantages, such as antibiotic resistance or the ability to metabolize certain nutrients.

Why would bacteria have need of these genes on their plasmid?

Bacteria may store certain genes on their plasmids that provide advantages such as antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, or metabolic pathways, which can help them survive in various environments or compete with other microorganisms. Plasmids allow bacteria to quickly adapt to changing conditions by acquiring or transferring these beneficial genes.

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is called?

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is called antibiotic resistance, which occurs when bacteria evolve to withstand the effects of antibiotics, rendering the medications ineffective in treating infections caused by these bacteria. This resistance can develop through mutations in bacterial DNA or acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria.

What is bacteria resistance?

Bacteria resistance refers to the ability of bacteria to withstand the effects of antibiotics or other antimicrobial drugs, reducing or eliminating their effectiveness in killing the bacteria. This resistance can develop through genetic mutations or acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria, leading to treatment challenges and increased risk of uncontrolled infections.

Related questions

Why do plasmids contain a gene for antibiotic resistance?

Plasmids contain antibiotic resistance genes because these genes provide a survival advantage to the bacteria in the presence of antibiotics. Bacteria can pick up plasmids with antibiotic resistance genes through horizontal gene transfer, allowing them to survive in environments with antibiotic exposure. This is a common mechanism for bacteria to acquire resistance traits and poses a challenge for antibiotic treatment.

What is an extra loop of DNA that contains antibiotic resistance what gene?

An extra loop of DNA that carries antibiotic resistance genes is called a plasmid. These genes can provide bacteria with the ability to survive exposure to antibiotics.

What type of plasmid is the source of the problem with antibiotic resistance?

The source of antibiotic resistance is often plasmids known as R plasmids, which carry genes that confer resistance to antibiotics. These plasmids can be transferred between bacteria, spreading antibiotic resistance throughout microbial populations.

How does plasmid allow for antibiotic resistance?

Plasmids can carry genes that encode for antibiotic resistance proteins. These genes can protect bacteria from the effects of antibiotics by breaking down the antibiotic or altering its target site. Bacteria can transfer these plasmids to other bacteria through a process called horizontal gene transfer, allowing for the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations.

What type of adaptation develops quickly in bacteria that are antibiotic resistant?

Horizontal gene transfer is a type of adaptation that can quickly lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This process involves the transfer of genetic material between different bacteria, allowing for the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.

Which type of adaptation develops quickly in bacteria that are antibiotic resistant?

Horizontal gene transfer is a type of adaptation that allows bacteria to acquire antibiotic resistance genes quickly from other bacteria. This process involves the transfer of genetic material between different bacteria, enabling the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance within a population.

How can specialized transduction contribute to the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in a bacterial population?

Specialized transduction involves the transfer of a specific set of bacterial genes by a temperate bacteriophage during its lysogenic cycle. If the bacteriophage integrates into the bacterial chromosome near antibiotic resistance genes, they can be co-transferred to other bacteria upon phage infection. This process can facilitate the spread of antibiotic resistance genes within a bacterial population.

What are r plasmids and why are these a problem to humans?

R-plasmids contain genes for antibiotic resistance and they can be transferred among bacteria. It is common for gut bacteria of humans and other animals to spread antibiotic resistance this way. It is a problem for humans because many bacteria have become resistant to multiple antibiotics.

In many bacteria genes that confer resistance to antibiotics are carried on what dissimilation plasmids exons plasmids factors or transposons?

Genes that confer resistance to antibiotics in bacteria are often carried on transposons. Transposons are mobile genetic elements that can move within a genome as well as between different genomes, allowing for the spread of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria.

Why do some plasmids contain a gene for resistance to antibiotic?

Plasmids containing antibiotic resistance genes provide a selective advantage to bacteria in the presence of antibiotics, allowing them to survive and reproduce while susceptible bacteria die off. This helps the bacteria containing the plasmid to persist and potentially transfer the resistance genes to other bacteria through horizontal gene transfer mechanisms.

Which biological agent may be susceptible to antibiotic's but can develope resistance?

Bacteria are biological agents that are susceptible to antibiotics but can develop resistance through genetic mutations or acquiring resistance genes from other bacteria. Overuse or misuse of antibiotics can accelerate this process, leading to the development of drug-resistant bacterial strains.

What structures contains genes for enzymes and antibiotic resistance?
