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A Missense Mutation.
It is a point mutation where the mutations alters the base sequence without changing the resulting function of the subsequent protein. This is usually when the mutation does not change the amino acid which the codon codes for.

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The organism will die

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Q: What One example of a mutation that would not affect an organisms phenotype?
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Mutations in introns are less likely to affect phenotype then mutation in exons?

mutation in exons are less likely to affect phenotype then mutation in introns because mutaion in exons are silent mutation

A mutation in a gene may not affect an individual's phenotype because?

A mutation in a gene may not always affect an individuals phenotype because the mutation may occur in a non-coding region. This is known as silent mutation.

Could a mutation affect phenotype?

Yes, a mutation can occur without affecting the phenotype at all. For example, a point mutation may change a nucleotide in a codon, but sometimes, the codon can still code the same amino acid, so the mRNA strand can still make the same protein.

What cell mutation does not impact the phenotype of the organism because the protein remains unchanged?

It is possible for a point mutation to not change the sequence of amino acids in a protein. This will result in the protein being unchanged and will not affect the phenotype.

How a mutation may not affect an organisms traits?

A mutation does not affect an organism trait for a reason. It is neutral which depends on the environment.

What three factors affect the organisms trait?

the genotype the phenotype the organism itself

What is an example of a good effect from a mutation?

Well a Silent Mutation does not affect anything so it isn't bad so its a good mutation.

Can two organisms have different genotypes but the same phenotype?

One way is if an allele for the gene in question is dominant. Homozygotes for the dominant allele and heterozygotes will both have the same phenotype.Organisms have the same phenotype, or physical characteristics. They do not, however, have the same genotype, or genetic makeup. If T represent tall, and t represnts short then the organism will have the genotypes TT and Tt. If you make a Punnett square you will have the same phenotype but different genotypes. Unless some weird mutation occurs....

How can mutation in a gene affect the traits that an organisms has?

The gene will code for a different protein than it should.

How can mutation affect evolution?

Mutation can serve up the raw variation that natural selection selects from, thus alleles are changed over time in populations of organisms; evolution.

What is the main question to ask when considering the effect of a mutation?

The main question would be " how does it affect the organisms chances for survival?"

Does gene mutation affect metabolism?

yes and no,some mutations are only inward and affect inward organisms. Some are only outward like apperacance.