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Aperaillius: is a fast growing and usually greenish blue mold but also may be a yellow to brown color also. Fusarium: a fast growning mold that is pale to lightly colored depending on the specific species. It also can be brown, pink, red, or lilac. Penicillium: A gray green type of fungus that often has white edges. Rhizopus: Gray or black whisker like mold.

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Q: What are some common bread molds and their description?
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What are some of the molds that grow on bread?

One type of mold found on bread is Rizopus.

Do bread molds cause any diseases?

some type of molds produce mycotoxins which is a chemicals that can cause you to get sick. Just by looking at the bread, you cannot tell if it is a bad type or not. so don't use.

Can eating moldy bread cause drug-like symptoms?

Depends on the type of bread and mold - some molds do have some hallucinogenic like qualities.

What are some common fungi found?

Mushrooms growing in the lawn or woods are very common fungi. So is Athlete's Foot- a fungus infection of the skin-- found growing in between your toes, Mold growing on old bread is also a fungus.

How does temperature affect the growth on mold on bread?

Bread molds in well about 2 weeks I did some research on it and found out it actually molds in wetter damper and humider condions if your bread starts too mold it begins too spead every where so it is alway good too check your bread at least once a week or in two weeks but the bread doesn't mold as fast if you keep it in a freezer it molds in 5 too 6 weeks but if you let the bread sit out once you have taken it out of the freezer then the wet or dampness will affect your bread and eventually start too mold

Why do bread molds form on bread that is kept in bread boxes or covered drawers?

Because there is mold spores everywhere. There would already be some in the air in the bread box/covered drawer, so the spores would just take root and grow.

Why is mold helpful?

Well some molds can create types of medicine like penicillin. That type of medicine is made from the mold on bread.

What colour is molded bread?

Bread mould is different depending on the type of bread and the thickness to it. If you have soft sandwich bread the mould is darker. If you have thick and hard bread the mould is more likely to be quite lighter. It all has to do with where it is stored and the amount of oxygen left in the bread bag

Is fungi mulitcelluar of unicellular?

Both. There are unicellular fungi, like Saccharomyces cerevisae, the yeast used to fermentate sugars and produce beer, bread and wine. Moreover, there are multicellular fungi, like Agaricus bisporus, the Parisian mushroom, widely spread in food cravings.Unicellular fungi holds all yeasts, molds and some slime molds. Multicellular fungi holds mushrooms, toadstools, earthballs, some molds and some slime molds.

What are some of the manufacturers for different blow molds?

Some of the manufacturers of blow molds are Alumi-nex Molds out of Massachusetts and Monroe molds out of Michigan. They are 2 of the main mold makers out there.

How does temperature affect the rate of mold growth on food?

Bread molds in well about 2 weeks I did some research on it and found out it actually molds in wetter damper and humider condions if your bread starts too mold it begins too spead every where so it is alway good too check your bread at least once a week or in two weeks but the bread doesn't mold as fast if you keep it in a freezer it molds in 5 too 6 weeks but if you let the bread sit out once you have taken it out of the freezer then the wet or dampness will affect your bread and eventually start too mold

What are some science experiments?

One science experiment is "Does ice melt faster in water or in air?". Another one is "What kind of bread molds faster? Wheat or White?"