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they are called homologous chromosomes

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Homologous chromosomes

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Q: What are the chromosomes that are paired one from each parent called?
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All chromosomes have two copies of each chromosomes are called that's coming from each parent?

diploids cells have set (S)of chromosomes

How many chromosomes in human diploid zygote?

A normal human diploid zygote contains a full set of 46 chromosomes. A zygote refers to the initial cell that is formed when two gamete cells join together through sexual reproduction.

In humans how many chromosomes does each parent pass on to their off spring?

23 chromosomes are given from each parent.

How many chromosomes does a human get from each parent?

Humans get 23 chromosomes from each parent, so 46 total.

How many chromosomes do human bodies have?

a human possesses 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Each parent donates a set of instructions called what to their offsprings?

The set of instructions for each characteristic passed from parent to offspring is called "genes", which are made up of complex molecules of DNA.

How many chromosomes does each offspring have?

4 because the parent cell has four chromosomes arranged in 2 pairs. Each offspring has 4 chromosomes, one pair from each parent.

What number of chromosomes is contributed by each parent to a cell of a baby?

In humans, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes.In general, each parent of any species contributes the haploid number of chromosomes, which is the number of chromosomes in a single set of chromosomes.

What types of chromosomes does each parent pass on to a child?

Each parent gives a baby 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes to the offspring

How many chromosomes does one get from a parent?

A person inherits one set of 23 chromosomes from each parent

Where does an organism receive its chromosomes from?

An organisms gets its chromosomes from its parent(s).

Do each parent contribute the same amount of chromosomes?

Yes. Each provides 23 chromosomes.