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Somatic (diploid) cells have pairs of chromosomes. They have 46 chromosomes, making 23 pairs. All the cells in the human body are diploid cells, with the exception of the gametes (sperm and ova).

Gametes are sex cells (eggs and sperm), they only have 23 chromosomes total. This is because they will combine with another gamete to form an embryo that will have 46.

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Q: What is a cell with paired chromosomes called?
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What is the total number of paired chromosomes in the body cell called?

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The phase in which paired chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell is called metaphase.

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they are called homologous chromosomes

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Chromosomes and centromeres.

When do copied chromosomes divide?

The paired chromosomes separate at the kinetochores and move to opposite sides of the cell during anaphase.

Are the sex chromosomes paired in the cell?

yes,in the somatic cells.But not in the reproductive cells

Paired chromosomes are said to be what?

Except for the sex chromosomes paired chromosomes are homologs.

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Sister Chromatids