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Potato's, onions, garlic, peanuts

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Q: What are the names of the two underground storage stems that you use as food?
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A food storage area in both the roots and stems is called the?

The cortex is the food storage area found in both the roots and stems. Starch is the main form of food stored by the cortex.

In a seed rhizomes store food for a developing plant embryo?

yes, rhizomes are thick, underground stems of a fern or other vascular plant; which often functions as an organ for food storage.

How does potato differ from other underground stems?

it store food

Can sweet potato be grown from underground stems?

No, we just discussed this in our bio class its actually a tuberous root, not to be confused with the term tuber. Potatoes on the other hand are stems, but there is a difference.

What is a modified food storage stem?

Modified stems have been altered by the parent plant to fit the needs of the plant. There are three examples I will be stating here. First, there are the stolon. They grow horizontally along the ground and they grow above the ground. An example would be strawberries. Next, there are the tuber stems. They are enlarged underground stems that are for starch storage. An example of this would be potatoes. Finally, there are the succulent stems. They are fleshy and often leafless. They are used for water storage. An example would be cacti.

Do underground stems absorbs water and mineral salts for the plant?

The underground stems do not absorb water and mineral salts for the plant, rather these store the prepared food material in them to overcome adverse environmental conditions.

Why are onions underground stems?

This type of modification of stem for storage of food is called bulb. The stem is extremely condensed in the form of a disc and is surrounded by fleshy scales. Since the scales (modified leaves) do not resort to photosynthesis, the bulb remains underground to overcome adverse atmospheric conditions of summers.

What are Underground stems roots?

Undergroung stems are parts of plants which helps it to reproduce. It stores food for the plant and MUST be underground. Also, it usually has buds on it as there is where new plants grow from. But then again, that is also a totally different story.

What is a common food for rhizome?

Rhizomes are essentially underground stems, also referred to as rootstalks or creeping rootstalks. Ginger, tumeric, and galangal are popular, edible rhizomes.

Do stems also produce food photosynthesis?

yes, stems do.

Which part of plant does a rhizome store its food reserve?

Pith and cortex in general and specialized storage parts such as root, rhizome, bulb, tuber and succulent leaves and stems.

What functions do the organs under the aerial shoot system perform?

The organs under the aerial shoot system, such as leaves, stems, and flowers, perform various functions. Leaves are responsible for photosynthesis and gas exchange. Stems provide support for the plant and transport water, nutrients, and sugars. Flowers are involved in reproduction by producing seeds.