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Pith and cortex in general and specialized storage parts such as root, rhizome, bulb, tuber and succulent leaves and stems.

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Q: Which part of plant does a rhizome store its food reserve?
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What the function of rhizome?

The rhizome is a creeping underground stem of some plants. A rhizome is thick and swollen and acts as a food store. Iris is an example of a rhizomatous plant.

What is the function of rhizomes?

The rhizome is a creeping underground stem of some plants. A rhizome is thick and swollen and acts as a food store. Iris is an example of a rhizomatous plant.

Should you put any plant food on separated Iris flowers in the fall when replanting?

Avoid plant food on the rhizome when you plant. Nitrogen can hurt the rhizome. The American iris society has an excellent web page to show you how to plant your irises. Make sure you have a sunny spot that is well drained.

Why is the underground food reserve important to a biennal plant?

A biennial plant has to face adverse climate at a time every year hence underground food reserve is important for its survival.

Where is the food reserve stored in plant cell?

There is no food reserve inside of an animal cell. Unlike a plant cell, animal cells do not produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis, which is why they need to obtain it themselves.

Where do ginger and potatoes sore there food?

In rhizomes - i.e the 'root ginger' part of the ginger plant, and the 'potato' part of the potato plant. Howeve the potato is a tuber, not a rhizome.

Describe the structure and function of a rhizome?

In certain plants the underground stem becomes rhizome by storing food and developing protective mechanism to overcome adverse environmental conditions. It helps in regeneration of the plant when there are favourable conditions of growth.

Does dahlia store food for the plant?

Dahlia store food in their tubers.

Where does plant store food for baby plant?


Where do plant store food?

Seeds store it in the endosperm.

Where baby plant store their food?


Which plant store food in leaves?
