

What bonds hold RNA molecules together?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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A hydrogen bond holds DNA together and a covalent holds rna together

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13y ago

the awnser is a cobelant bond and ionic bond

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Q: What bonds hold RNA molecules together?
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What structures is held together by hydrogen bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are strong intermolecular forces- weaker than covalent bonds that hold the molecules together. The diagram probaly shows molecules with otted lines from H atoms to an O or N aatom on an adjacent molecule.

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The nitrogen bases, adenine, uracil, guanine, thymine and cytosine are joined to each other via phosphodiester bonds. Hydrogen bonds hold the nitrogen bases in complementary DNA and RNA strands. Polypeptide bonds are formed between an amide and ketone, and these join amino acids in proteins. However, they do not hold nitrogen bases together.

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Complementary base pairing is something seen in DNA and RNA molecules. This refers to which bases can form hydrogen bonds with each other when paired with a second strand of DNA or RNA. Adenine can only form hydrogen bonds with thymine and cytosine can only form hydrogen bonds with guanine. In RNA, uracil is used instead of thymine

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Ribosomal RNA or rRNA is the main constituent of ribosomes. It performs the peptidyl transferase function of combining amino acids together via peptide bonds.

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Nucleotides are molecules that, when joined together, make up the structural units of RNA and DNA.

How do the bases bond together a bonds with g bonds with?

A bonds with TG bonds with C

What are three types of RNA molecules?

The three types of RNA molecules include messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA).

What is the backbone of DNA and RNA?

The backbone of DNA is made up of deoxyribose, a sugar, and are linked together by phosphodiester bonds. RNA is similar but the sugar is called ribose.

How many bonds hold the bases of C and G together?

Adenine and Thymine Guanine and Cytosine held together by hydrogen bonds: 2 for A-T and 3 for G-C

Why there are no hydrogen bonds present in RNA?

There are no hydrogen bonds present because RNA consists of a single stranded nucleotide chain.