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If the mutation occurs in a somatic cell and the cell is still able to reproduce, the mutation continues in the daughter cells in following generations. If a mutation occurs in a gamete, the original organism remains unchanged. If that gamete is used for reproduction, then the mutation will continue in the offspring.

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change in the DNA of a gene

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Q: What difference does it make if a mutation occurs in a somatic cell or in a gamete?
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Why are somatic mutations generally less important than germ mutations?

Because the somatic mutation only produces the color of the iris of the eye. The germ mutation is in charge of the cell which will produce a gamete. It may be passed onto the offspring. So the somatic mutation isn't as important as the germ mutation.

Who does somatic mutation affect?

A somatic mutation is one that occurs in any body cell with the exception of the gametes (sperm and eggs). A somatic mutation cannot be passed on to offspring, so it affects only the person with the mutation.

If mutation occurs in somatic cells could the change be passed on by the mutant to its offspring?

Not with natural reproduction. If you cloned the parent that had the somatic mutation, you could pass it on to the offspring if you used the nucleus from the cell that had the somatic mutation.

How does the possible impact of a chromosomal mutation that occurs during meiosis differ from that of a similar event that occurs during mitosis of a body cell not involved in reproduction?

If the mutation occurs during meiosis, the mutation will be incorporated into a gamete. If that gamete is the one that eventually fuses with another gamete (i.e. if it's the sperm that fertilizes the egg), that mutation will be passed on to the offspring. As all the offspring's cells are the result of the first two gametes, all the organism's cells will have that mutation. Obviously this can have dire consequences for the offspring, if the mutation is harmful. If instead it occurs during mitosis, it won't get inherited by the offspring, so any harmful effects are limited to you. Basically it's like getting a wound, you may heal or not, but you won't pass that wound on to any offspring you may subsequently have.

How are mutations are inherited?

If a mutation occurs in a sex cell, then it may be inherited. Any mutation to the somatic cells will not be passed on. Any mutations that either of the parent organisms have will be inherited by their offspring.

Could a mutation in a cell in the liver of a human be passed on?

For a mutation to be passed onto the next generation it must be on sex chromosome. If mutation occurs in somatic cells of our body, it will not be passed on to the offspring(s). Mutation that changes one or few base pairs in the DNA is called point mutation.

If a mutation occurs in a somatic cell how is it transmitted?

It either dies (or is killed by your immune system) or it becomes a tumor.

Where does mitosis occurs?

occurs in all the somatic (body) cells

What are difference between antigen drift and antigenic shift?

Both are mutation occurs in virus (usually influenza). But the difference is: antigenic drift are mutation occurs in viral DNA/RNA that cause a person to be re-infected by the virus. while antigenic shift are mutation occurs in viral characteristic, which cause transition from being able to infect poultry ONLY (not human), --> able to infect BOTH poultry and human.

What happens if mutations occur in somatic cells of an organism?

A somatic mutation is one that occurs AFTER offspring have been conceived. This means that the mutations are not passed on to the f2 generation of offspring. An example we find in humans is cancer.

What is the difference between somatic and gametic cells?

a germline mutation is one the was passed on to offspring because the egg or sperm cell was mutated. a somatic mutation is a mutation of the somatic cells (all cells except sex cells) that cannot be passed on to offspring.

A mutation that occurs in a diploid cell can be inherited only if?

Mutation occurs in a cell that produces gemetes