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Overpopulation may be the first thought that comes to mind, but the real truth may have to do with the statistics that show the number one killer is cardiovascular disease, followed by cancer, and then accidents. People dying from infections may rise if there is a cure for them all, but, IMHO, there would have to be many, many, more infections occurring to rival the numbers of cancer and Heart disease.

The other thing to consider, is that even if there was a cure for all infections, what would guarantee that it would be provided to all that needed it. We have great medical technology today, but few can afford it n our own country. If it was made available to the whole world, the world may go broke before all the medicine for all Infectious Diseases could be delivered to all that needed it.

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Q: What do you suppose the world would be like if there were cures for all infectious diseases?
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helps by finding cures to many cancers and diseases

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Yes, there cures for major diseases and virus being developed world wide. For example there is an experimental drug being tested for the Ebola virus.

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The cause was infectious diseases.

How many diseases have cures?

cancer is a disease that has no cure at all scientists are trying their best to find a way to get rid of cancer .. Along with cancer there are many other diseases that dont have cures that scientists are working hard to find a cure for. One of them is leukemia. Leukemia is similar to cancer but a little different. Along with these two I could go down a whole list trying to tell you about diseases that dont have cures. So if this was a question that you hav to have an answer to for homeowrk or something it is like over 30 diseases around that world that dont have cures.

Why are infectious diseases less common now than 200 years ago?

its mainly because of the increase of knowledge and technology. there are still infectious diseases around but now doctors and microbiologists understand how they spread and how to contain them. im sure if you went to a third world country you would see the same amount of infectious diseases as europeans had 200 years ago and this is because they dont have the advancement we do.

What is non infectious diseases?

A non infectious diseases can not be transmitted to other humans. Non-infectious diseases are those diseases that are not caused by a pathogen and cannot be shared from one person to another. Diseases caused by these organisms are infectious diseases. There are many kinds of non-infectious diseases. A non-infectious disease is a disease that may be caused by either the environment, nutritional deficiencies or genetic inheritances. Some examples include; Environmental causes such as skin cancer from radiation (from the Sun), or lack of food (e.g. scurvy from lack of Vitamin C), genetic disorders, or any source other than an infection. They can also be caused by drugs and carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). Non-infectious diseases cannot be spread from person to person as in infectious disease, but can be passed down genetically in some cases such as hemophilia in the royal blood line. Historically, infectious diseases were the main cause of death in the world and, indeed, in some developing regions this may still be the case. With the development of antibiotics and vaccination programs, infectious disease is no longer the leading cause of death in the western world. Non-infectious disease is now responsible for the leading causes of death in both developed and some developing countries. There Hope Your Happy :D

How do you put infectious in a sentence?

infectious is an adjective. You use it to modify a noun- as in an infectious disease or an infectious laugh. Build your sentence around your subject and verb, then use modifiers to enhance or clarify meanings.She's an ambitious young researcher who hopes to discovery a cure for a majority of the world's infectious diseases.He's a very likable child with an engaging smile and an infectious laugh.Many infectious diseases can be prevented by washing with hot water and soap.

Where are the headquarters of VIDO?

VIDO stands for the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization international vaccine center. They are a world leader in developing new technologies and vaccines to fight infectious diseases. They are a research organization located on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

What is the leading cause of death in the world?

Infectious diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and the number of deaths from infectious diseases in the United States has been increasing. Infectious diseases ranked third among the leading causes of death in 1992 in the United States.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the leading cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa and the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

Does Ethiopia have infectious diseases?

Ethoipia, unfortunately, has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world. And many other countries in Africa also have high rates, as well.

What will be the world like after 100 years write essay?

In 100 years the technology will be even more advanced. Most probably a lot of new cures for diseases like cancer will be discovered.