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Not just one cell, but four! They are a mix of the two parents' genes.

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Reproductive cells (sex cells).

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Q: What does a cell look like after undergoing meiosis?
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Diagram a cell with four chromosomes going through meiosis?

A cell undergoing meiosis with four chromosomes would look like this () --> (::)-->(:><:)---->(^:) (^:) this represents the cell chromosomes once together then spliting then connecting with the on and pulling the cell membrane until it pinches shut and becomes daughter cells.

What does a cell look like after undergoing mitosis?

Mitosis cells are identical (but smaller) daughter cells made by replicating and dividing the original chromosomes, in effect making a cellular xerox.

Why do the chromosomes on hapliod cells that are produced by meiosis 1 look different from those produced by meiosis 2?

Meiosis I should not produce haploid cells. They should be diploid because before meiosis I the diploid cell duplicated its DNA. It is only after Meiosis II that the four cells are haploid.

What diminishes or becomes less in meiosis?

The amount of chromosomes diminishes in meiosis. meiosis produces sex cells, and each of these sex cells has only 23 chromosomes. Each parents provides 23 chromosomes, that's why some people look like both their mother and their father. Each regular body cell has 46 chromosomes.

Why we humans look so alike but yet different?

in sexual reproduction,an offspring gets 23 pairs of chromosomes from both parent- as in meiosis cell division.therefore this lead to a differences in the genetic material through which humans were made.NOTE-DURING MEIOSIS CELL DIVISION THE CELL MAKES SURE THE PAIRS OF CHROMOSOMES FROM BOTH PARENT ARE DIFFERENT,THAT LEADS TO VARIATION WITHIN OFFSPRINGS AND PARENTS.CERTAINLY YOU DO NOT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE EITHER PARENT.FACIAL APPERANCE COULD BE THE SAME BUT NOT BEHAVIOURAL PATTERN.IT IS SHARED.

How does a meiosis look like?

this is quite a good video on you tube see related link:

What does a flower cell look like?

they look like seeds

Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis?

they both involve the reproducing of cells

What does a single cell look like?

it looks like a regular cell but alone

What does a chloroplasts cell look like?

It is a green looking cell.

Can you change the DNA so you can have twins?

yes, if you can change the sex of a child then you can duplicate them as well look up meiosis and fertilization yes if you can change their sex then you can dupilicate them by allow the cell to split google meiosis and fertilization to get the mor scientific answer for this case

What does pineapple cell wall look like?

It looks like a cell that is pineapple coloured