

What does hypertonic mean in a cell?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Hyper tonic means when one part of a cell has a higher activity of fluids from the higher chance of solute

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Grace Tillman

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2y ago
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13y ago

Hyperonic in acell means that there are more dissolved particles outside the cell than inside the cell. Meaning there is a higher concentration of a substance outside than inside the cell.

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8y ago

Hyper tonic means when one part of a cell has a higher activity of fluids from the higher chance of solute

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when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. Hypertonic or hypotonic, but I'm pretty sure hypertonic :)

What will happen to a cell in a hypertonic solution?

I will take the cell to be animal cell. The hypertonic solution is taken as hypertonic saline solution. The cell will shrink in that case. There will be loss of water to the exterior of the cell. The biochemical cellular functions will be adversely affected. The cell may die if the solution is sufficiently hypertonic.

What direction does water move when cells are placed in hypertonic solution?

Water moves out of the cell in hypertonic solution.

What is it called when the concentration of solutes is greater outside the cell the inside?

A hypertonic environment with regard to the cell.

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What happens to a cell in a hypertonic solution?

water moves out. when water diffuses out of the cell, the cell shrinks, that is Hypertonic solution.

What are the results when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution?

The cell will experience crenation and shrink. The cell will lose water through osmosis when placed in a hypertonic solution.

What kind of solution causes the cell to shrink?

salt water. this will cause the cell to lose it's water osmotically resulting in it becoming plasmolysedA hypertonic solution

What does a hypertonic solution have?

A hypertonic solution has a higher solute concentration than the cell the solution is in. (So the cell will shrink when it is in a hypertonic solution, because water will leave the cell in an attempt to balance the ratios of solute to water both inside and outside of the cell.)