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Chlorophyll is contained in the chloroplasts of the plant cell, and absorbs sunlight and coverts it to sugar. Plants need the sugar to grow and live.

This process is called photosynthesis, and it's only found in plant cells.

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13y ago

Chlorophyll has a pigment inside which makes plants appear green by reflecting green light, and it captures sunlight which is used for photosynthesis to produce glucose.

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Q: What does the Chlorophyll do in the plant cell?
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Is chlorophyll a plant cell?

no, chlorophyll is in the thylakoids, which is a organelle inside of the cell. it is what gives the plant cell its green color

Is chlorophyll in a animal cell?

No: Only a plant cell contains chlorophyll.

Is there chlorophyll in an animal cell?

nope. there is only chlorophyll in a plant cell

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What in the plant cell makes the plant green?

Glucose is not the answer. the answer is chlorophyll. chlorophyll is a pigment in the cell that uses the light from the sun to create glucose. chlorophyll is green.

A cell that possesses chlorophyll usually possesses?

A cell that possesses chlorophyll is actually a plant cell (although some plant cells don't have chlorophyll). It usually contains a cell wall.

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The green part of a plant cell is chloroplast

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plant cell

What is there in a plant cell that is not there in an animal cell?

The cell wall & chlorophyll.

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Would you find a chlorophyll in a plant cell or animal cell?

Plant cells only, animal cells do not contain chloroplasts or chlorophyll.

In what type of cell plant or animal is chlorophyll found?

Chlorophyll is found only in plant cells.