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I think you're looking for nitrogen.

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Q: What gas is associated with causing bubbles in the blood and other body fluids?
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What is the remedy for low blood pressure?

Depends on what's causing it. Most common cause is low blood volume, in which case increasing fluids is Rx of choice.

What is the medical term for erythogenic?

The medical term for erythrogenic is associated with causing red blood cell destruction or hemolysis.

Blood blister on face thought it was a pimple blood is pouring out?

A blood blister is formed when there is damage to the skin causing the sub-dermal tissues and blood vessels to be damaged. This causes blood and other fluids to become trapped beneath the skin. Once it is punctured the fluids are released. Applying a padded dressing and cold pack can help heal the blister.

What are 3 fluids that run threw the human body?

blood,water and bodily fluids.

How do you die from the bends?

"The bends" is a slang term for Decompression Sickness. When breathing compressed air at high pressures for extended times, nitrogen gas is forced into the blood. When the pressure is released, the dissolved gas appears as bubbles (like the carbon dioxide bubbles in a soda). The bubble accumulate at joints, causing severe pain, making you curl up (bend) In severe cases, the bubbles can damage the brain, causing a stroke- and death.

What preparations are associated with sex hormone tests?

The progesterone and testosterone tests require a blood sample. The estrogen fraction test can be performed on blood and/or urine. It is not necessary for the patient to restrict food or fluids for either test.

What can happen when a portion of the obstructed bowel begins to die from lack of blood flow?

fluids and bacteria that help digest food can leak out of the intestinal wall and into the abdominal cavity causing peritonitis

What are hypotonic intravenous fluids?

The body fluids shift out of the blood vessels and into the interstitial space. These fluids are used for re-hydration.

When can you draw blood blood above an IV?

You can draw blood above an iv if the fluids running have been stopped and you have waited at least ten minutes before drawing the blood after the fluids were stopped.

What are the two main body fluids?

Blood and Lymph are the two main body fluids.

Water passes from the tissue fluids into the blood capillaries mainly because?

lymph blood has a higher protein concentration than the tissue fluids

Which type of hepatitis is transmitted through direct contact with contaminated blood and body fluids?

Hepatitis C is the most common chronic blood borne pathogen in the United States. Hepatitis Dcan be found in the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids of people who are infected. Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids.