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If alcohol (decolorizing step) is omitted then the primary stain absorb by the bacteria will not be washed away. This will result in all or nearly all the bacteria to appear purple in color under the microscope.

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Q: What happens if alcohol is omitted from the gram staining process?
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Drinking alcohol can speed up the process of dehydration and lead to serious health issues.

Why is it important to follow the gram staining procedure?

This is simply important in order to have accurate staining results. If this is not followed, the process of the staining will result to false positives or false negatives.

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making, producing,

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Saprophytic mycobacteria are acid fast and do not cause serious disease.

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Formation of these salts is a chemical process.

What is the staining process for separating bacteria?

This is known as a gram test.

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smear is the putting and fixing of staining sample on glass slide which is done by first putting the a drop of water on slide and then inoculation is put over it which is then spread slowly in round form by inoculating loop and dry it by very light heat to fix it.Simple staining is the process in which a dye knwon as methylene blue is spread over smear to colour the microbe whcih can be then washed by 70% alcohol so that extra dye can be removed and then the sample is ready to observe under microscope

Process alcohol leaves body?

Metabolism is the process whereby alcohol is broken down into its components. Alcohol also leaves the body through respiration, urine and sweat.

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Chromatin coils and condenses to form deeply-staining bodies in prophase. This is the first stage of mitosis, the process in which cells divide to create new cells.

Does alcohol affect the metabolic process?

Alcohol has no affect on metabolism; metabolism breaks alcohol down in the body.

Why do your ears get hot and red when you have alcohol?

Alcohol causes the small blood vessels in your skin to dilate, allowing more blood to enter the area. This causes the warmth and flushing. It's the same process that happens when you blush from embarrassment or spend time in very warm weather (without the alcohol of course)