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The substance tricks the neuron into releasing a flood of dopamine back in the synaptic cleft The substance tricks the neuron into releasing a flood of dopamine back in the synaptic cleft

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Q: What happens when a substance gets into a neuron?
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What happens at a synapses?

The transfers that happens in the synapses conduct biochemical information from the neuron cells. The synapse, or synaptic cleft is the gap between to neuron cells. Nerotransmitters are chemicals that are released from one neuron (known as the pre-synaptic) and bond to receptors on the receiving neuron (known as the post-synaptic). The transfers that happens in the synapses conduct biochemical information from the neuron cells.

The part of the neuron that normally receives stimuli is called?

The Synaptic signals from other neurons are received by the neuron's soma and dendrites. Synapse's happens when contact is made by one neuron's axon and is received by another neuron's dendrite and soma. The synaptic signaling procedure is vital to positive neuron function.

What is the part of the neuron that receives impulses is called the?

Neural input happens at the dendrites (dendritic tree) of the neuron, but some neurons, notably the sympathetic, can receive input at the axon hillock (where the axon leaves the soma).

What happens if motor neurons are damaged?

Motor neuron involve the muscles. If they are damaged, then the muscle that they are connected to will not work.

Which is the correct sequence in a typical reflex?

Receptor ---> sensory neuron----> interneuron (at spinal cord)---->motor neuron---->effector. The Achelles tendon reflex is a good example of how this happens. You do send infromation to the brain in the form of an "incident report" but his is much slower.

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When a substance gets cool what happens to its density?

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What substance crosses the gap between a neuron and a muscle fiber?

This substance is called as neurotransmitter. Here it is acetylcholine.

What us synapse?

synapse are the microscopic gapes between the neurons where helps in passing of the chemicals from one neuron to other. A small amont of chemical substance is released from one neuron into the synapse and this chem. substance changes to electrical impluses and enters the dentrites of the other neuron.

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When you touch something hot a neuron in your senses the temperature. which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

What happens when neurotransmitters communicate an excitatory message to the postsynaptic neuron?

When neurotransmitters communicate an inhibitory message to the postsynaptic neuron:

What is the Neuron function?

The function of a neuron is to transfer messages throughout the brain. These neurons are all attached and interpret everything that happens.

When you touch something hot, a neuron in your finger senses the temperature. Which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

When you touch something hot neuron in your finger senseds the temperature. Which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

What is bouton?

It the end of a dendrite where the signal gets transmitted from one neuron to another.

What happens to the neuron if sodium channels do not open?

causes chemically gated sodium channels to open