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Females who are missing an X chromosome (XO genotype) have Turner's syndrome. ?They are short, infertile, broad chested, have low set ears and webbed necks. ?

You cannot have a male missing an X or Y chromosome. ?A OY genotype is embryonic lethal.

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11y ago

In animals that have XY sex chromosomes the only viable offspring (living but not reproductively viable) is an animal/person with a single X chromosome. These individuals are small and unthrifty with bone and tendon anomalies.

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11y ago

An extra Y chromosome would give a male the karyotype of XYY, a genetic disease called Jacob's syndrome

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13y ago

Cause Your Mom told it to

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Q: What happens when your missing an X or Y chromosome?
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Is there an X or Y chromosome in an egg?

An egg will have the X chromosome and the sperm will have an X or Y chromosome.

Why is x chromosome called x?

An X chromosome is known as an X chromosome based on its shape, which resembles an X. The Y chromosome resembles a Y.

Why might missing sections of the X or Y chromosome be a bigger problem in males than deletions would be in one of the X chromosomes in females?

Females carry two X chromosomes and no Y chromosomes. so if one is missing a section, the other will make up for it. For males, who only have one X and one Y chromosome, there is no overlap.

Does an x chromosome looks the same as a y chromosome?

No. An 'X' chromosome looks like an 'X'. The 'Y' chromosome looks like a deformed 'X'. It is noticeably different to an 'X' chromosome. Also, the 'Y' chromosome is only a third of the size of an 'X' chromosome - an 'X' chromosome is 155 million base pares, while the 'Y' chromosome is only 58 million base pairs.

Is an x chromosome and chromosome the same thing?

An x chromosome is specifically a feminine chromosome. With a x and y chromosome its male, with a x and x, it is a female.

Men have one of y?

The y chromosome. The chromosome pair that determine sex (gender) can have x and y chromosomes; men have one X and one Y chromosome, women have to X chromosomes.

The Y chromosome is larger and carries fewer genes than the X chromosome?

No. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome. There are only about 70 active genes on the Y chromosome and many more deleteriously mutated one. The X chromosome contains many more active genes and only crosses over marginally with the Y chromosome.

What genes or chromosomes is the muitation that causes turners syndrome?

Turner syndrome is the result of one of the two X chromosomes being missing or damaged in some or all cells. These chromosomes are the sex chromosomes, which determine whether a person will be male or female. As people with Turners only have an X chromosome and no Y chromosome they are born female.

What does a person with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome have?


Why does the X chromosome affect an organisms phenotype more than the Y chromosome?

The X chromosome contains considerably more genetic material than the Y chromosome.

How many times bigger is the x chromosome from the y chromosome?

In terms of base pairs, the X chromosome is about 155 megabases (million bases), and the Y is about 57 megabases. Note that there can be variation in the lengths of Y chromosomes between men, due to different amounts of constitutive heterochromatin on the long arm. That is, the long arm of the Y contains repeated sequences. The number of these sequences can be different between individuals, thus the size of the chromosome can be different between men.

What are the x and y chromazones?

The Y chromosome is the male sex chromosome, but males also carry a X chromosome from their mother. XY. The female sex chromosome is the Y chromosome; YY is female. ( generally, as sex chromosome number in both sexes can vary )