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Q: Why might missing sections of the X or Y chromosome be a bigger problem in males than deletions would be in one of the X chromosomes in females?
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What type of sex chromosomes do females have?

Female have two X chromosomes while males have an X and a Y chromosome.

What best describes the sex in chromosomes in humans?

Males have two different chromosomes

Is a female 2 X chromosomes?

Yes, and males have an X and a Y chromosome.

What is the chromosome that represents the sex chromosome?

You have pair of X chromosomes in case of females. You have a pair of X and Y chromosomes in case of male.

Chromosomes found in somatic cells and are perfectly matched in males and females?

In both males and females there are 22 perfectly matched chromosomes. The somatic cells in humans total 46 chromosomes. Females get the XX sex chromosome while males get the Y chromosome.

What is X chromosome?

The x chromosome is one of the sex chromosomes, the other being the y chromosome. In mammals there are two of the sex chromosomes in each organism. Females generally contain two x chromosomes, and males contain one x chromosome and one y chromosome.

A male child will inherit what chromosome?

Most males have XY chromosomes while most females have XX chromosomes.

How many x chromosomes are typically expressed in humans and cats?

Humans have basically 23 pairs of chromosomes while cats have 19 pairs of chromosomes. Humans: females= 46 X chromosome, males= 45 X chromosomes, 1 Y chromosome. Cats: Females =38 X chromosomes, m ales= 37 X chromosomes, 1 Y chromosome.

How many pairs of chromosomes do females have?

In humans, the somatic cells of both females and males have 23 chromosome pairs.

What kind of chromosome do females transmit of offspring?

Female transmit 23 chromosomes to the offspring. She has that unique chromosome called as X chromosome. This is transmitted to the offspring. From male you get either X or Y chromosome. From XX chromosome you get female child. From XY chromosome you get male child.

What is lyon's hypothesis?

Females carry two X chromosomes. One is inherited from each parent. Both of the X chromosomes do not have to be activated. One of the X chromosomes is neutralized. However, the extra X chromosome can be reactivated in some cases. This does not means that females need only one chromosome. Females with only one X chromosome have genetic conditions that can cause disabilities such as Turner Syndrome.

What does chromosomes mean-?

A chromosome is a DNA strand, that is comprised of genes. The two sex chromosomes are XX in females and XY in males.