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They are called as Diuretic drugs.You have moderate acting drug called as Hydroclorothiazide and Chlorthizide. Normally used in Hypertension or high blood pressure.Brisk acting diuretic called as Frusemide as well as Furesemide. These drugs specially Frusemide causes loss of large quantity of of water as well as sodium chloride. Along with this effect, you have one undesired side effect. That is loss of potassium chloride. To prevent this, you have Spironolactone, Triamteren and Amiloride drugs.They are called as Potassium sparing diuretic drugs.These are mild acting diuretic drugs.There are many more and your Physician will select the best one for you.

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Q: What is a medication administered to rid the body of excess sodium and water?
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No. Contrary to popular belief, water doesn't cause water weight. Water weight is usually caused by excess sodium, PMS, or eating too much.

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Excess water drinking will "pull" sodium from your cells, in an attempt to minimize or avoid hyponatremia. However, too much water drinking can "wash out" sodium from the bloodstream, and precipitate dangerous problems, such as seizures, coma, and even death.

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If excess salt or Sodium Chloride is taken in,it could result to edema due to water retention.Since sodium causes water retention.

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What are the Actions of diuretic?

DIURETICSDIURETICS ARE used to stimulate the kidneys and rid the body of excess fluid. That's the simple answer. For more info, Google "diuretics" or "hydrochlorothiazide".