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During Glycolysis, ATP is used as an intermediate. ATP is cleaved and turned into ADP during the first part of glycolysis, giving one of its phosphate groups to glucose. In the ending steps of glycolysis, ATP is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation.

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8y ago
  • Oxidation is when a substance lose electrons.
  • Oxidation of glucose is a process that degrades (makes the molecules smaller) the sugar to get energy (or ATP).
  • In this process we get or absorb oxygen and relese carbon dioxide.
  • Part of the energy that is produced in the process is releses as hit and other part as Adenin TriPhosphate (ATP).

Is a procces where the stored energy of organic fuel is released total or parcialy. In eukaryotic cells it occurs in the cytoplasm (anaerobic oxidation) and in the mitochondria (aerobic oxidation). MOst organisms depends on de O2 to oxidate totaly the organic molecule. This energetic transformations occurs by chemical reactions enzymatically controled. During this reactions we get ATP. CO2 and water.

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Flor Barahona, Guatemala

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Q: What is mean by ATP produced during biological oxidation of glucose?
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What is difference in energy produced in biological oxidation and chemical oxidation of glucose?

Glucose getconvertedto carbon bi oxide and water molecule, during oxidation in both the biological oxidation and chemical oxidation. One glucose molecule gives 6 carbon bi oxide and 6 water molecules.(C6H12O6 + 6 O2 = 6 CO2 + H2O.) In biological oxidation glucose is broken down in step wise manner. In about 22 steps, energy is released. So cell does not get burned due to sudden release of energy. So this is like, you come down from the two story building via staircase, step by step. So you do notinjure yourself. In chemical oxidation glucose burn in one step only. So it is like jumping from the two story building. You will get injured. In biological oxidation, you get the intermediate products of low energy. (At few times high energy.) As ultimate products of both biological oxidation and chemical oxidation are same, the energy released is same. Not a photon more or less, provided temperature of glucose and temperature and pressure of end products is same. In biological oxidation, you get some energy stored in body in the form of ATP molecules. Which is utilized for various metabolic processes, required by cell. Rest is released in the form of heat. That is also useful to maintain body temperature. This is in accordance to the Law ofconservationof energy in chemical reactions. It remains constant and can change the form of energy.

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The sugar produced during photosynthesis is glucose.

How can glucose affect the pH of the body fluids?

During anaerobic respiration, you get lactic acid in your body. Lactic acid being acid it decreases the pH of your body. After biological oxidation of glucose you get carbon bi oxide. This after dissolution gives you acid in your body.

What compounds are released during metabolism?

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What acid is produced in glycoolysis when glucose is spilt?

Pyruvic acid, also called pyruvate, is produced during glycolysis when the glucose molecule is split.

Describe how energy from sunlight is transfered to ATP and NADPH and what are they used for?

In case of plants, there is biological reduction. Carbon bi oxide and water is converted to glucose. Energy from sunlight is trapped in the form of ATP in chlorophyl. This ATP is used to in biological reduction. Energy consumed in biological reduction is same photon by photon, to energy released during biological or chemical oxidation. ( Law of conservation of energy in chemical reactions.)

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Hydrogen atoms released during biological oxidation are trapped by N.A.D+ and F.A.D. molecules. When N.A.D.H. is oxidized, you get 3 ATP molecules converted from 3 ADP molecules. In this process about 40 % energy is trapped and rest released in the form of heat.

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How many atps are produced in alcohol fermentation?

The total amount of ATP produced during fermentation is 2 for every glucose molecule.