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Q: What is the ability of nerve and muscle cells to produce changes in membrane voltage?
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The term voltage regulated means that the?

membrane voltage gated ion channels open and close with changes in the membrane potential

The ability of conductor to induce voltage in itself when the current changes?

The ability of conductor to induce voltage in itself when the current changes is called inductive reactance.

What is line regulation?

Line regulation is a measure of the ability of the power supply to maintain its output voltage given changes in the input line voltage. Line regulation is expressed as percent of change in the output voltage relative to the change in the input line voltage.

What is the Basic Function of a Voltaic cell?

To produce a voltage.To produce a voltage.To produce a voltage.To produce a voltage.

What would happen to the membrane potential if a substance that makes the membrane permeable to ions is added to the cell?

If a subsance is applied to a cell that makes the membrane more permeable to ions, the interior voltage changes. If the interior voltage becomes more positive (say from Ð70 mV to Ð60 mV), this is called a depolarization. If the interior voltage becomes more negative (say from Ð70 mV to Ð80 mV) it's called a hyperpolarization.

What is a membrane potential?

a voltage or electrical charge across the plasma membrane

A nerve impulse results from?

It results from the opening of voltage-gated sodium ion channels, causing an influx of sodium ions (influx of positively-charged ions), depolarizing the neuronal membrane.

What is a voltage-gated membrane channel?

Voltage-gated channels are proteins in the cell membrane which open when stimulated by a voltage (an electrical signal). The voltage causes the channel to open, thereby allowing the entry or exit of whatever substance the channel relates to. An example of this the the voltage-gated sodium channels on neurons. When an action potential (a voltage), passes over the cell, it open these channels and allows sodium to enter the cell.

Which type of membrane channels are found at the axon?

Voltage-gated Na+ and voltage-gated K+ channels

What is the voltage different on either side of the plasma membrane?


What voltage gated channels are present?

in the membrane that covers axons

ABS sensor produce AC voltage or DC voltage?

AC !