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Anaerobic fermentation produces very little ATP compared to oxidative phosphorylation.

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Q: What is the biggest disadvantage of making ATP by means of fermentation?
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How does the concentration of glucose affect the rate of fermentation?

The higher concentartion of glucose means a slower rate of reaction for fermentation.

2 types of fermentation?

Two types of fermentation are alcohol fermentation and lactic-acid fermentation. Alcohol fermentation is the process in which 2 pyruvate molecules ,created by the means of glycosis, is further broken down into 2 ethanol molecules through alcohol fermentation. Lactic-acid fermentation is when the pyruvate molecules formed from glycosis is reduced to 2 lactate molecules.

What are the disadvantage of hacking?

The biggest disadvantage of hacking is that you will probably get caught. This means that you will face prison time and large fees.

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Fermentation of dairy products means that they have "been spoiled" so gone "öff" or "turned sour".

What is meant by absolute disadvantage?

Absolute disadvantage means a disadvantage that is completely working against any possible advantages something might have. Absolute Disadvantage is a deal breaker.

Which is the biggest means of land transport?

The biggest means of transportation is by ship.

What is missing that makes fermentation anaerobic?

For fermentation to take place, oxygen needs to be completely absent. The word anaerobic means without oxygen. So the missing thing that makes fermentation anaerobic is oxygen.

What does disadvantage mean in science?

It means it sucks

Fermentation occurs in the absence of?

Basically Fermentation is an Anaerobic respiration (i.e. Oxidation of energy compounds in the absence of oxygen).That means the answer to your question is 'oxygen'.

What is meant by disadvantaged?

Absolute disadvantage means a disadvantage that is completely working against any possible advantages something might have. Absolute Disadvantage is a deal breaker.

What is the meaning of the word detriments?

Detriment means disadvantage

Why is it Because fermentation takes place in the absence of oxygen it is said to be?

It is said to be anaerobic, which means "without oxygen". The opposite of "anaerobic" is "aerobic" which means requiring oxygen.