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nucleotide is the repeating structural unit that forms RNA and DNA......

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Q: What is the repeating structural unit that forms RNA and DNA?
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What is a repeating structure unit that forms RNA and DNA?


Dna is made at with momner?

A nucleotide is a monomer or single repeating unit of DNA

DNA is made of what repeating unit?

DNA is not made up out of 2, but 4 repeating units. These repeating units, nucleotides, being Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.

What is the fundamental repeating unit of organization in a eukaryotic chromosome?

The nucleosome is the basic unit that organizes the structure of an eukaryotic chromosome. The nucleosome is DNA wrapped around histone proteins which allows the DNA to condense into chromosomes.

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D. nucleotide, DNA

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Bacteria usually have a single circularchromosome of DNA.

What is the difference from DNA nucleotide and DNA polymer?

A nucleotide is a single structural unit of DNA. If two or more nucleotides are combined together by a polymerase enzyme, the resulting molecule is a polymer. RNA is also composed of nucleotides and can be formed into polymers.

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What are repeating subunits of DNA and RNA called?

Nucleotides are repeating subunits that make up DNA.

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Genetic makers are the structural differences in DNA that are the producers of the DNA testing.

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What structure forms at the end of DNA molecules that helps prevent gene loss?

It is know as a TELOMERES it's main function is repeating nucleotide at the ends of DNA molecules that do not form genes and help prevent the loss of genes