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Trna the transport RNA

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Q: What is the type of RNA that carries amino acids from cytoplasm the the ribosomes is?
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What is a type of RNA that carries amino acids in the cytoplasm to the ribosomes?


What carries amino acids to ribosomes where amino acids are linked to polypeptide?


The structure that carries amino acids to the ribosome?

tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosomes.

What does tRNA carry from the cytoplasm to the ribosomes-?

Transfer RNA brings or transfers amino acids to the ribosome that correspond to each three-nucleotide codon of rRNA. The amino acids then can be joined together and processed to make polypeptides and proteins.

What carries amino acids to ribosomes where amino acids are linked into the primary structure of a polypepride?

The transfer RNA. tRNA.

Molecule that carries amino acids to the ribosomes for incorporation into a protein?

The molecule that carries amino acids to the ribosome is transfer ribonucleic acid, or tRNA. Each tRNA molecule is specific to the amino acid it carries.

What carries amino acids to ribosomes where amino acids are linked into the primary structure of a polypetide?

specific t-RNA carries its specific amino acids to ribosomes which is attached to m-RNA.m-RAN have codons to which t-RNA with complimentary anticodon attaches and primary structure of polypeptides synthesized.

What constructs proteins?

Proteins are produced in cytoplasm of the cell by ribosomes. They are constructed by peptide bonds between amino acids coded in the mRNA. Peptidyl synthetase enzyme catalyse this reaction. tRNA carries the amino acid to the codon of mRNA. This process happens in ribosomes.

The sequence of amino acids that makes up a protein molecule in the body are determined by?

ribosomes in the cytoplasm

What type of RNA that transports amino acids to a ribosome?

Messenger RNA carries a copy of DNA out of the nucleus and into cytoplasm. Transfer RNA then carries amino acids to the copy of DNA to form a protein chain.

What picks up amino acids in the cytoplasm and moves them to the ribosomes?

tRNA (transfer RNA) delivers the amino acids

Proteins in cells are assembled by structures called?

Ribosomes assemble amino acids into proteins.