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Amino acids are made by reading the code in DNA. They are combined with other amino acids to form a protein.

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Q: What molecule is read to make amino acids?
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Do amino acids bind directly to the mRNA?

mRNA connects with the subunits of the ribosome. Each codon is read specifically and a matching anticodon brought by a tRNA is transferred. Each matched triplet adds amino acids to the polypeptide chain.

What role does amino acids play in making polypeptides?

A gene will create an RNA molecule which will be taken by a Ribosome. This Ribosome will read the coded message in the RNA molecule to place a specific amino acid in a particular place. The Ribosome will link these adjacent amino acids using a peptide bond which are incredibly strong. As the RNA goes into one end of the Ribosome, a long polypeptide chain will emerge out the other side.

What is the connection between amino acids and protiens?

A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which is used as the template for translation into amino acids. Three codons will be read to produce one amino acid.

What determines which proteins are produced?

Genetic's determines what proteins are produced. Don't mix up proteins with amino acids; Proteins are made from amino acids and Amino acids are the monomers (building blocks) for proteins. In the triplet code an DNA strand is read like a book; for example: AT ] CG ] Amino acid Called Anmino acid lettered 'P'. TA ] PKUMIPPQ - All the amino acids join to form a protein (polypeptide).

Does transfer RNA carry coded messages from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?

tRNA molecules exist within the cell cytoplasm. They are strands of RNA, where one end is bound to a specific free amino acid, and the other end possesses an "anticodon" consisting of 3 bases complimentary to a set of 3 bases on the mRNA strand.During translation, an mRNA molecule is "read" by a ribosome in triplicate. That is, every three bases on the mRNA molecule effectively "tell" the ribosome to bind a specific tRNA molecule to this 3-base site. With the tRNA molecule comes the associated amino acid which is attached to it, and so, in a very simplified explanation, tRNA effectively carries amino acids to the mRNA.Bonds will then form between these amino acids, and dissociate from the ribosome, so that the end product is a long polypeptide chain.In the cytoplasm are tRNA molecules. These are strands of RNA. One end binds to a specific free amino acid, and the other end possesses an anticodon, which is able to bind with a specific codon on the mRNA moleculePeace.Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries amino acids to messenger RNA (mRNA) in order to build the polypeptides.

Related questions

What are the smaller molecules called that make a protein?

Proteins are polymers of amino acids. The instructions for protein synthesis are contained within the genes (on DNA). This instructions are read from an mRNA at the ribosomes to produce the correct sequence of amino acids - a protein.

What is the process of assembling amino acids int a protein from a RNA molecule?

very much no!. RNA is Ribonucleic Acid, including 4 bases (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and uracil) a ribose sugar and a phosphate sugar. Amino acids comprise of an amino group (NH2+) a Carboxcylic acid group(COOH) and a carbon based R group. The chemicals required for each dont even overlap. Youre getting mixed up with the fact that RNA is used to know what amino acids to make. messenger RNA (mRNA) if created by the cell as a copy of the DNA which says what protein to make. every three bases says one amino acid. The mRNA goes to the ribosome where the mRNA is read, and it attracts the correct transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule there, each holding on to a different amino acid (there are 20 different ones) The amino acids are bound together and all the proteins are happy etc So RNA is just the plans that are read to make the amino acids, and the RNA molecules that help. They are not actually converted into them!

Do amino acids bind directly to the mRNA?

mRNA connects with the subunits of the ribosome. Each codon is read specifically and a matching anticodon brought by a tRNA is transferred. Each matched triplet adds amino acids to the polypeptide chain.

What role does amino acids play in making polypeptides?

A gene will create an RNA molecule which will be taken by a Ribosome. This Ribosome will read the coded message in the RNA molecule to place a specific amino acid in a particular place. The Ribosome will link these adjacent amino acids using a peptide bond which are incredibly strong. As the RNA goes into one end of the Ribosome, a long polypeptide chain will emerge out the other side.

What is the connection between amino acids and protiens?

A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which is used as the template for translation into amino acids. Three codons will be read to produce one amino acid.

What is the process where RNA is read and amino acids are joined?

This process, happening on/in the ribosomes, is called translation.

What determines which proteins are produced?

Genetic's determines what proteins are produced. Don't mix up proteins with amino acids; Proteins are made from amino acids and Amino acids are the monomers (building blocks) for proteins. In the triplet code an DNA strand is read like a book; for example: AT ] CG ] Amino acid Called Anmino acid lettered 'P'. TA ] PKUMIPPQ - All the amino acids join to form a protein (polypeptide).

Does transfer RNA carry coded messages from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?

tRNA molecules exist within the cell cytoplasm. They are strands of RNA, where one end is bound to a specific free amino acid, and the other end possesses an "anticodon" consisting of 3 bases complimentary to a set of 3 bases on the mRNA strand.During translation, an mRNA molecule is "read" by a ribosome in triplicate. That is, every three bases on the mRNA molecule effectively "tell" the ribosome to bind a specific tRNA molecule to this 3-base site. With the tRNA molecule comes the associated amino acid which is attached to it, and so, in a very simplified explanation, tRNA effectively carries amino acids to the mRNA.Bonds will then form between these amino acids, and dissociate from the ribosome, so that the end product is a long polypeptide chain.In the cytoplasm are tRNA molecules. These are strands of RNA. One end binds to a specific free amino acid, and the other end possesses an anticodon, which is able to bind with a specific codon on the mRNA moleculePeace.Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries amino acids to messenger RNA (mRNA) in order to build the polypeptides.

What role do amino acids play in protein synthesis?

Protein synthesis is the process of putting amino acids together to form a protein. So it's not a matter of which amino acids are vital. If you are asking which amino acids are vital in the synthesis of a specific protein, that would totally depend on which protein you are making.

What is the name of the process where RNA codon is read and the tRNA anti-codon brings amino acids to the codon?


What would happen if a cell were unable to make mrna?

If a mutation affects the mRNA, then the sequence of amino acids that it codes for may be incorrect, causing the protein produced by the amino acids to not function properly, or it may not function at all.

How do amino acids make up protines?

Through a process called translation. The mRNA travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and binds to a ribosome. The sequence of 3 nucleotides in the mRNA correspond to a certain amino acid that binds to the top of the ribosome and then the mRNA keeps getting read, 3 nucleotides at a time, until there are 20 amino acids binded together. The ribosome then lets the protein go.