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Q: What muscle forms the lateral boundary of the femoral triangle?
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What muscle attaches to a long bone which runs down the lateral aspect of the leg?

The Sartorius muscle - the longest muscle in the human body - is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle.

What blood vessels supply blood to rectus femuris muscle?

Lateral circumflex branch of the femoral artery

What is the name of the muscle that forms the medial boundary of the femoral traingle?

Adductor longus, its medial border

What is the name of the special triangular region bounded by the sartorius muscle the inguinal ligament and the adductor longus muscle?

The femoral triangle.

What are the borders of the femoral triangle?

femoral triangle is a triangular depression in front of the thigh. boundaries: medial border- medial border of the adductor longus muscle. lateral border- medial border of the sartorius muscle. base - inguinal ligament. apex- sartorius overlapping the adductor longus muscle. apex lies 10cm below the inguinal ligament. roof - skin, superficial fascia, superficial inguinal lymph nodes, superficial veins, fascia lata. floor- lateral to medial side, the floor is formed by the muscles namely illiacus, psoas major, pectineus, adductor longus.

What is the function of the sartorius muscle?

The sartorius muscle - the longest muscle in the human body - is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh in the anterior compartment. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle.

What nerve controls quadriceps muscle group?

Femoral nerve

What muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible?

The masseter muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible.

Is the iliolumbar ligament connected to the sartorius muscles?

The iliolumbar ligament has been described as the most important ligament for restraining movement at the lumbosacral junction. In addition, it may play an important role in restraining movement in the sacroiliac joints. The Sartorius muscle is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh. It is the longest muscle in the human body. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle. Its origin extends from the anterior superior spine of the ilium, with insertion into the medial border of the tuberosity of the tibia, with nerve supply from the femoral nerve, and whose action flexes the thigh and leg and rotates the leg medially and the thigh laterally. Also called tailor's muscle.

What does the femoral artery look like?

The femoral artery looks like a light-coloured tube about 1cm in diameter that passes down the inside of the thigh alongside the femoral vein and femoral nerve. It is not visible from the skin surface, but a pulse from it can be felt in the femoral triangle. It has branches in the circumflex arteries and the profunda femoris artery, and becomes the popliteal artery after passing through to the back of the leg through the adductor hiatus, a hole in the adductor magnus muscle near the distal end of the thigh.

Name a muscle that is a synergic with the masseter muscle?

lateral pterygoid

Which muscle forms the lateral wall of the cubital fossa?

Brachioradialis muscle