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The bronchioles terminate in a grape-like cluster of respiratory structures called the alveoli.

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Q: What terminates in a grape like cluster of respiratory structures?
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What terminates in a grape-like cluster of respiratory structures?

The bronchial tree, specifically the bronchioles, terminate in a grape0like cluster of respiratory structures. These structures are the alveoli.

What terminates in grape-like cluster of respiratory structures?

The bronchial tree, specifically the bronchioles, terminate in a grape0like cluster of respiratory structures. These structures are the alveoli.

What terminates in a grape-like cluster in the respiratory system?

The bronchioles terminate in a grape-like cluster of alveoli in the lungs.

What terminate is a grape like cluster of respiratory structures?


How much does a cluster of syrah grape weigh?

A cluster of Syrah can weigh anywhere from 100gms to 200gms, it depends on the clone, terroir and weather.

Why is it unsual for a female to cut the first grape cluster?

It is unusual because a female does not usually do that.

What do you call the small grape structures make up the lungs?


What are characteristics of a grape?

The characteristics of a grape include its round shape, its tough outer skin, and its cluster growth. Grapes can come in many colors including green, red, black, and yellow.

Which type of bombs are primarily fragmentation weapons that contain submunitons?

Cluster bombs. Probably the earliest cluster bombs were certain types of "grape shot" fired from cannons. Proper designation: CBU

What is composed of alveoli arranged in grape like cluster?

The alveoli (singular, alveolus) are the functional units of the lungs of mammals.

What are unique about alveoli's?

The surfactant, also they have only one layer of squamous epithelial tissue, they have no mucus membranes, grape like cluster, one single thick cell.

What do vineyards look like?

Vineyards have rows and rows of grape vines. These are supported by wooden structures to hold them off the ground. There will be a building with equipment used to process the grapes.