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Diffuson pressure deficit wiil be zero

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Q: What will be zero in a fully turgid cell?
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Why is turgid cell has more red pigments?

is it that the turgid cell has more red pigment than plasmolyzed cell

What is the importance of makes the plant cells turgid?

If it's a plant cell it needs good, fully-functioning palisade cells to let water flow in and out. A plant cell needs to be turgid so that the plant have a support and structure.

What is the opposite of a turgid cell?

The opposite of a turgid plant cell is called a flaccid plant cell. A walled cell is flaccid in surroundings where there is no tendency for water to enter. A turgid wall is very form, while a flaccid cell wall is more limp.

What does it mean if plant cell is turgid?

If a plant cell is turgid it is swollen, distended, congested or stiff

What happens to a cell when it is placed into a solution that is hypo-tonic to it?

Water moves into the cell by osmosis. If it is a plant cell, it will become fully turgid. If it is an animal cell, the cell will become larger and larger and will eventually burst.

How will the movement of water affect a cell if it's transferred from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution?

The cell will shrink in size..

When a plant cell such as one from a peony stemis submerged in a very hypotonic solution what is likely to occur?

the cell will become turgid

When a cytoplasm of a plant cell is pressed against the cell wall the cell is?


The turgid condition of a cell is due to what?

you are stupid

What happens when a fully turgid plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution?

Cell loses water and later becomes plamolyzed, cell wall is still in tact as it is not affected by plasmolysis, only the cytoplasm etc does.

What part of the cell membrane acts as a fluid?

Because it can have the same problems as water E.G. turgid and flaccid Turgid is the flooding of the cell membrane and flaccid is the drought of the cell membrane.

A cell that has a strong turgor pressure called?
