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It is called fertilization.Resulting nucleus is diploid.

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Q: When the nucleus of a egg joins the nucleus of a sperm?
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When a sperm joins an egg?

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When the sperm penetrate the egg cell fertilization occurs.

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The purpose of the female egg is to reproduce. If a sperm joins an egg, a baby results.

Which part of the egg is normally fertlised by the sperm?

Mainly it is the nucleus. They form a diploid nucleus

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When a sperm joins a egg what is it called?

It's called a zygote.

What happens to the sperm nucleus at fertilisation?

It get fused with nucleus of ovum.That process is called Fertilization.

How do boys make girls pregnant?

you have to get in bed and the boys penis gives off sperm, half are y half are x if a y sperm joins with the egg the baby is a boy if an x sperm joins with the egg the baby is a girl so when a sperm meets an egg a baby starts to grow

When a egg cell joins was with a sperm cell?

A fertilize the egg develops into an individual with Traits from Each

What occurs when a sperm cell joins an egg cell?

Conception begins.