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Q: When will you consider that a certain caregiving tool or apparatus that is no sterile?
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When will you consider that a certain tool or apparatus that is no sterile?

just answer it by yourself!!.....

Is placing your laptop on your lap a bad thing?

if you consider a chance of going sterile a bad thing, then yes.

Why can certain compounds that pharmacy technicians are responsible for preparing do not need to be compounded as sterile products in a controlled environment?

Solutions such as optics are not sterile so they do not need to be compounded in a controlled environment.

How long is sterile water sterile for after opening bottle. I understand that suppliers of the sterile water can not vouch for the conditions and therefore the sterility after the bottle is opened.?

a) if the water is PERFECTLY sterile and the bottle is PERFECTLY closed, the water would stay sterile years and years and years. b) but if the water in the bottle is not 100% sterile or the bottle is not 100% closed (which is more likely) some germs & co migth slowly multiply ... as their number is expected to be relatively low, you can consider the water to be sterile (or at least the number of the little creatures to be nonrelevant) up until the date on the bottle

Is canned food sterile?

Most canned food is fine to eat but not necessarily sterile. The FDA allows a certain percentage of bugs and/or bug pieces in food like green beans and peanut butter.

What is an aerobic fermenter?

An aerobic ferment er is one in which there is provision for the introduction of sterile air into the reaction. The sterile air is introduced into the interiors of the fermenter through an attachment called a sparger. Air is bubbled through. The bubbles are then dispersed throughout the reactor by an impeller (a mixing apparatus that stirs the entire reaction contents in the fermenter).

What area of the body is considered sterile?

The areas of the body that we consider sterile are those part of the body that are not exposed to the environment. Our skin is home to vast numbers of several different types of microbes as or the openings that lead deep within. All of the organs inside our body should be considered sterile with the exception of the lumen of the G.I. tract. While the intestines are an organ inside us it houses materials that where once exposed the the environment and is home to microbes as well. Now there are times that bacteria can penetrate our organs and become infected but under normall circumstances you consider them sterile.

What is the purpose of sterile water in microbiology?

because non sterile water could have certain elements that could react to the other substances you are using which could cause discrepancies in your results and give non factual information.

How many days instrument consider sterile after autoclave?

Once a instrument has been cleaned in an autoclave, it is considered sterile for 21-30 days depending on the type of wrapper that was used (21 days for plastic bags and 30 days in muslin).

Is a flower sterile or non sterile?

the flower is sterile

If a sterile field becomes wet with sterile solution is the field no longer considered sterile?

If a sterile field becomes "contaminated" with a sterile solution, the field remains sterile.

Was George Washington sterile?

It is impossible to be certain but it is believed that George Washington was indeed rendered sterile due to a smallpox diagnosis he contracted as a teenager. The Father of Our Country was only father to America, and never had any biological children.