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Plate streaking is often done to isolate a colony of bacteria. For instance, if a broth was grown with 2 or 3 different types of bacteria, it could be streaked out in a "3-phase streak." In a 3-phase streak the initial streak takes up a very small area (we draw a T on the back of the plate, this streak goes in the section above the T). The loop is flamed to kill off any bacteria still on it, then a couple streaks are made out of the original. This grabs some of the bacteria from that concentrated streak and spreads them out. This is repeated once more until the final streaks are less and less concentrated bacteria.

When we incubate the plate we'll find lots of growth where the original streak was and less and less as we follow the path of the 3-phases. What you're looking for now is a single colony, off by itself. This can then be scraped off and plated on a separate plate and considered a "pure colony."

Another usual time to use streak-to-grow bacteria is when you want to know the quantity or concentration of bacteria. You take maybe 0.1mL of solution and plate it, then count the number of colonies that form. Say you have 56 colonies, now you can say:

56 cfu (colony forming units)


0.1 mL

or 560 cfu/mL

This is usual when testing to see whether a sterilization technique worked, or if a product is within the regulated levels of bacteria to be released the public, etc etc.

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