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The actual diagrams of the molecules in helix and pleated forms can be found on Wikipedia by searching Maltose. This site would not let me import the pics. sorry

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Q: When you join two glucose molecules you get maltose what is the molecular structure of maltose?
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What makes maltose?

is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose. Maltose can be broken down into two glucose molecules by hydrolysis.what are some properties of maltose?Maltose is a malt sugar. The molecular formula for maltose is C12H22O11.

How does the molecular formula for sucrose compare to maltose?

Both sucrose and maltose have the same molecular formula, C12H22O11. What makes them different, however, is the structure these atoms take in the molecule.

How the formation and breakdown of maltose?

maltose is formed between to alpha glucose molecules. The carbon 1 hydroxyl of one alpha glucose molecule is bonded with the carbon 4 hydroxyl group of another alpha glucose molecule thus creating the disachride maltose and in the process producing water

How do you make a maltose from two glucose molecules?

Glucose and Glucose

What is the compostition of maltose?

Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules

What is the composition of maltose?

The composition of maltose is 2 glucose units. This is because glucose is the 'primary' composition in a monosaccharide and maltose is found in Disaccharide, which is the 'secondary' composition. ~Geek

What are 2 alpha glucose molecules?

2 alpha glucose molecules form MALTOSE

What is composed of two glucose molecules?


How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to form a maltose molecule?

It takes 2 monosaccharide molecules to form a maltose molecule. Those are 2 glucose molecules. So 2 glucose molecules join together to make 1 maltose molecule.

What monosaccharides the make up maltose?

Maltose is made up of two glucose molecules.

What are 2 combined glucose molecules called?


What does maltose yield when digested?

Lactose and Glucose